Baum Blasts Ballistic Bullies

As we talk about a new ban on large-capacity magazines, let’s consider the history. Back during the 1994-2004 “assault weapons ban,” Congress never banned large-capacity magazines. It banned their manufacture and import. If you...

Ask Not For Whom the Bell Trolls…

22 trolls, in this case for legendary InterWebz antagonist JadeGold, who's posted his last screed in the comments sections of TTAG as of today. The Truth About Guns was founded (as our founder RF so succinctly put...

Richard Cohen: “It’s the gun that did it.”

Wooly Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen weighed in on the Tucson shooting that resulted in the death of U.S. District Judge John Roll and five others during a botched assassination attempt of Rep. Gabby...

Shooting Instructors (So to Speak): Jeff Cooper vs. Massad Ayoob

64 Most of us have seen the YouTube videos of "shooting instructors" doing questionable and dangerous things. What sane person would take a class with the guy who advocates running at his assailant...

Challenge to Mikeb30200: Let’s Do a Survey

Mike, Anytime you're called-out on your extremist views (i.e. every time you call gun owners names), you reply "I didn't mean YOU. I'm just railing against the bad apples." We agree that there are many...

Apocalypse How: What’s Next?

According to the raving loons over in mikeb302000's slice o' heaven, we gun owners are all knuckle-dragging homophobes, just a-waitin' for an excuse to go all Mediaeval on someone. Not so much. But all this Liberal...

Editorial: Deconstructing Kellermann

While a student many, many moons ago I worked as the secretary of a peer-reviewed scientific journal. Although my responsibilities were strictly clerical, I observed a thing or two about what happens behind the...

The 1911 Sucks

  I have said it before and I will end up saying it again: The 1911 is an old design that is more trouble than it is worth. I don’t say it to be confrontational,...

Guns: Labels, Signs, and the Enlightened Masses

There are certain circles in our society – including our current administration and the mainstream media – that love to label you. You are a gun owner. You are therefore a cammo-wearing, anti-social, war-crazy,...

Four Gun Things Every Man Should Know or Do

I’ve recently come across several of those “50 things every man should know or do” articles on this here interweb thing. Some of the items range from ridiculous (shotgun a beer) to ridiculously simple...

Speaking of Home Invasions…

There's a rhythm to the Universe. Seriously. How else to explain that the jury finally returned a verdict in the Trial That Dragged On For 8 Years of Brian Mitchell, the abductor of Elizabeth...

Petit Home Invasion: Another Perspective.

After reading RF's thoughtful piece on the Petit tragedy, I was moved to respond. But as I collected my thoughts, I realized what I had to say would take more space than the comments...