Shotzberger on Obama’s Gun Control Editorial

Reading Barack Obama's gun control editorial, I admit I was surprised. Surprised that the three points made actually were... somewhat reasonable (if flawed, analysis below). The FBI's NICS background check system for gun purchases...

Question of the Day: Oh Yeah? You and What Army?!

I get a lot of email. Dunno why. It's not like I'm askin' for it. I've got a filtering system from the gates of Hell itself, and still I get a lot. Some of...

A Little Media Advice for the ATF

While I write about guns here on TTAG, my main gig is as a marketing guy. As such, I have a little different perspective on a lot of news stories. I often-times see scandal-type...

Handguns = Rampant Murder? Nope.

36 Last night, I was chatting with a dear friend who lives in Australia. He made a statement heard in many quarters. "You Americans and your love of hand guns are ruining your country and making you...

Somali Pirates Kill Americans. Again. NOW What?

According to just about every news source on the planet, Somali pirates have killed four Americans aboard their hijacked yacht. Here's the details as we currently understand them... The Quest, a yatch owned by Scott...

Editorial: The Truth About Gun Rights and Arab Unrest

7 I have met gun owners from all walks of life: rich and poor; conservative and liberal; libertarians and libertines. I know of one who even likes to wear pink hats. While we may differ...

A Modest Proposal in South Dakota.

When I was in grade school they made us read Gulliver's Travels. Now understand, I'm an avid reader. But for some reason, this book didn't grab me. (Then again, I'm not a Jack Black...

Toy Gun Bash Story

Every Christmas season, Rhode Island Attorney General Patrick Lynch holds a “toy gun bash.” Parents bring their children to feed their politically...

We ♥ Ann Coulter. Ann Coulter ♥ Guns!

The beauteous Ann Coulter. Legal eagle. Commentator. Stye in the eye of Liberals and Progressives everywhere. The woman voted Most Likely to Tick off a Democrat. What's not to love? Coulter calls 'em like...

Will the ATF Gunwalker Scandal Take Down President Obama?

Wow. Its déjà vù all over again. The Gunwalker scandal – in which the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives  (ATF) stands accused of smuggling guns into Mexico, arming the drug runners that...

Scientific American: Socialism Stops Gun Deaths

It's not very scientific and it sure ain't American. But John Horgan at just up and goes for it in a rant entitled A modest proposal for curbing homicides: Socialism. Well, not at first....

Guns: What would MLK Jr. Do?

Given that Monday was Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and February has been designated "Black History Month," I thought it might be interesting to turn to our (unexpurgated) history books (before they and...