Tip of the Day: A Gun is Not a Penis
There's a long tradition among those of the anti-gun rights bent of explaining the motives of anyone who owns a gun by claiming that they're actually trying to show that their penis is bigger...
NYC Mayor Bloomberg, Gun Control Advocates. Out of Ideas?
Now that Brady Campaign Prez Paul Helmke's retired, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is the undisputed heavyweight king of America's gun control movement. His is an empty kingdom. In June 2008, the Supreme...
Book Review: Left Turn
What if you had the power to change history? What if you could influence the future? How 'bout an election or two? Let's assume that's possible for the nonce. Would you use that power...
Libyans Disarming Libyans. Again. Still.
Why is the international media so captivated by events in the Middle East? The various countries' efforts to overthrow their governments (read: "autocratic dictators surrounded with friends with official titles") are certainly compelling narratives....
Concealed Carry: Playing the Odds
Hindsight runs 20:20 in my family. My grandfather played first trumpet with a bandleader in the early part of the 20th Century. Had the opportunity to tour with him. My grandmother talked him out...
“Conventional Wisdom.” As unreliable as “Common Sense” is rare.
Did you ever stop to think about why you think what you think? Seriously. Let's stop a minute and consider one of those "meta" questions, like "why do we believe what we believe." I...
Jews, Nazis and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
I don't know if Laci the Dog over at mikeb302000 is Jewish. I'm not sure it even matters. It does to me. The fact that I'm a Jew, I mean. It matters to me....
Missouri: CCW Newbies Must Qualify with Revolver and Semi
"The changes, laid out in House Bill 294 and signed by Gov. Jay Nixon on July 8, require that training involve firing at least 50 practice rounds from both a semiautomatic pistol and...
“It’s just a good thing I can’t pack a gun on the Senate floor.”
As debate about how to deal with the big issues heats up and the election season draws ever closer (sigh), political rhetoric can get...interesting. The media and all right thinking thinkers are quick to...
Quote of the Day: Jennifer Rubin
It’s almost hard to recall how the left howled about “civility” in the wake of the Tucson shooting horror. But that was then, and the standards the left sets for the right is one...
ATF: In-Home inspections are just one of the many services we offer!
You gotta hand it to those overachievers at the ATF(E and sometimes RBFs). Up to their asses in alligators over Fast & Furious, called in to investigate a local law enforcement peccadillo, and yet they...
Gun Dealer Averts Sequel to Fort Hood Tragedy. Mainstream Media Underwhelmed.
The media used to love stories like "Man Bites Dog." You know, stories that have a twist – role reversal, irony-enriched content, that sort of thing. And you'd think that with all the posturing...