NRA and Bling. Why Bother?

As you might have read elsewhere on TTAG, I'm a recently-minted Life Member of the NRA. If you attend an NRA confab, you'll see several booths where they offer the opportunity to upgrade your...

What Should Concealed Carry License Training Cover?

Seems I opened up a big ol' can o' worms yesterday, with my editorial on The Sad State of Gun Training in America. Good. I like nothing better than provoking some thoughtful debate and...

The Sad State of Gun Training in America.

I am the proud holder of a Texas Conceal Handgun Permit. I'm also proud to say that I went through a lot of training to qualify for it. I am now capable of defending...

And Now for Something Completely Stupid…

2 From across the pond comes this little bon mot: an ad intended to promote the idea that replica guns (here in the Colonies we call them "toys") are being converted to real guns. Um...

It’s Time for Chicago Residents to Stand Up for Their Gun Rights

0 Just to be 100 percent clear; when I say that Chicagoans should "do what it takes" to protect their Second Amendment rights, I mean that they should vote out the Chicago politicians who would...

Dem IL Rep Quigley “Disappointed” by McDonald; “Let’s Close the Gun Show Loophole!”

“I am disappointed and disheartened by the Supreme Court’s decision today. When illegal guns flood our streets, precious lives are lost and communities are destroyed. However, in its decision, the Court specifically...

Mothers Against Gun Violence: Lambs to the Slaughter

2's editorial on gun crime is called Mothers Against Gun Violence ... daughter’s slaying inspires drive to spare others pain. Hmmm. The web offers links to chapters of Mothers Against Gun Violence, but no...

America is Becoming a Gun Nation

Some of you will scoff at that headline. America was never not a gun nation. Our population was armed even before the shot heard 'round the world. In fact, I'm gradually coming to the...

Supremes Nominee Kagan: Did She or Didn’t She?

Those wacky ObamaNauts. I guess when you've got the White House, the Senate and the House, you figure the world is your Oyster - and so's the Supreme Court. But the Big O is...

Is Carrying a Gun a Spiritual Thang?

I used to attend a Reformed Episcopal Church in Amarillo, Texas. I'm not there any more and neither is the church. (It seems traditional values are somewhat out of fashion in both marriages and...

The Gender Politics of Guns

I was at a gun store recently. The clerk behind the counter showed me a gun I wanted to see. He said, "she's a beauty, isn't she?" Got me to thinking . . ....

Life Is Cheap

Henry and I were schmoozing on the way back from the range. We'd just fired a few hundred rounds through Steven's 1903s, and then a hundred or so more through my Glock 19. I...