Five Things You’ll Never Hear a Gun Owner Say

5. "I have enough guns" - TTAG writer Martin Albright made this observation yesterday. As much as it keeps American companies busy, the idea of never-ending gun buying is a extremely disturbing for people who...

Helen Thomas Put Out to Pasture. Pastures Object.

Helen Thomas, doyenne of the White House Press Corps (or "Corpse" as the O-Man would pronounce it) dawn of the Industrial Age has been unceremoniously dumped by her employer the Hearst Organization, following...

Editorial: Why I Support The Second Amendment

CLEVELAND, Ohio -- A 24-year-old West Side woman was raped in her bed Monday morning by an armed robber who broke in through a window. The robber and rapist also broke into another home in...

10 Things Everyone Should Know About Concealed Weapons Permit Holders

I caught this post over at In the interests of "fair use," I'm excerpting it here. Please click over to the site for the full text. My one comment: I'm aware that the...

SKS Trumps AK

The AK is the epitome of the sexy/scary “assault rifle” genre. With its sinister angles and scythe-like Magazine, the weapon just oozes danger and coolness. In contrast, the SKS is an ungainly, plain-Jane looking...

Canadian Long Gun Registry Supporters Play the NRA Card

Wendy Cukier really, really, REALLY wants Canada to keep its Long Gun Registry. The gun control activist has been hyper-active, leaving no rhetorical stone unthrown in her relentless campaign to save the ineffective, intrusive, unpopular...

Who Needs A Concealed Carry Permit Anyway?

Just a quick thought: why should there be ANY preconditions for purchasing, owning or carrying a firearm in any state in the United States? You know: save citizenship. You don't have to take a...

Sex. Now that I have your attention…

I dunno. Where manufacturers already have (some) products that would ostensibly appeal to women (guns with reduced recoil, smaller grips, easier disassembly for cleaning) their marketing is...well.. kind of Neanderthal. Hey, baby...look at this one. It's a girls can tell because it's PINK. Um...not so much. Most women I know are far more concerned with features like weight, recoil, and stopping power ratios, far more than what color the bloody thing is. You know. Just like men are.

Editorial: Pistolization? Pistolize this!

Do you feel pistolized? Canadian sociology professor James Sheptycki created the term “Pistolization” to describe the phenomenon of a society that integrates hand guns into commonplace daily life. It’s a more elegant and pointy-headed way...

Editorial: Pet Peeves: Gun Terminology

Anyone who has seen the pate of my head lately will know that I suffer from chronic frustrations that cause me to pull the hair from my head.  Take, for instance, the road near...

Editorial: The Gun Show Loophole Is What It Is

TTAG commentator JadeGold responded to a recent post on the Mayors Against Illegal Guns' campaign to force all firearms sellers at gun shows to perform an FBI background check on all purchasers. "Closing the...

Readin’, ‘Ritin”, ‘Rithmatic, Rifles & Revolvers

My days in elementary school predate "New Math," "Outcome-Based Education" and "Moral Relativism." Back in the day, it was all about Readin,' 'Ritin,' and 'Rithmatic. But unlike most nouveau educational schemes, the State of...