Editorial: Will the Canadian Long Gun Registry Die Another Day?

This week, Michael Ignatieff threw an unregistered hand grenade into the Canadian gun registry issue. The Liberal leader of the Official Opposition jettisoned the tradition of members voting their conscience during a third reading...

My, How Times Have Changed. Not.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVh75ylAUXY Santayana said "Those that do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it." Wise words. While the video you see above does not directly feature guns, it is as much about guns and...

Pass Act: Gun Grabbing Plot or Patriot’s Tool?

Got another letter from the National Association for Gun Rights. Dudley Brown wrote to tell me that Senator Daniel Akaka (D-HI) was at it again, trying to sneak through a bill which would be...

Editorial: Obama, Nukes and Why I Suddenly Need More Guns

As you can see from my TTAG bio, I’m no “gun nut.” In fact, I’ve never really been much of a gun person at all. I know a good bit about guns, and guns...

Editorial: The Joy of Civil Obedience

By William C Montgomery on April 14, 2010 The Constitution of the United States of America does NOT make America a great nation. I know this might come as a shock, but...

Editorial: The Case Against Handgun Licensing Procedures

OMG! You couldn't let just ANYONE own a handgun could you? What about training? They might shoot someone with that thing! You know: a child. Think of the children! Not to mention the handgun's...

Editorial: “The Speech Sarah Palin Should Give to the NRA”

The following editorial was written by Aaron Zelman, Founder and Director of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. Dear Sarah: Here is the speech you should give to the NRA when you address its...

Editorial: NYT: Misery in Zimbabwe Nothing to Do With Guns

Many American gun owners believe civilian gun ownership is the bulwark of democracy. They consider the right to keep and bear arms the safeguard against government-imposed tyranny. Those who oppose this idea reject that...

Editorial: Republicans “The Voice for Greed and Guns”

Wandered into this letter to the editor in the Salt Lake Tribune. I offer it not as flamebait (much), but as more evidence that those lobbying for gun control tend to view gun owners...

Editorial: The U.S. Army Gunship Attack is Not What It Seems

It would be easy to pass judgment on the video that has just surfaced from a 2007 incident that involved the deaths of a reporter, his camera-man, and several bystanders on a street in...

Editorial: Gun Owners, Lend Me Your Ears.

Got a minute for me to bend your ear? Good. I've got something important, that you need hear. While you still can, that is. Let's call this one a public service announcement for your...

Editorial: Firearms Fearmongering for Fun and Profit

I am not an alarmist. Which is probably why I did not pursue a career in broadcast journalism. Oh, sure, I love a great story, and I'm always sensitive to making things as interesting...