Mexico: If Guns Are Outlawed, This is What Happens

My regular source of news down Mexico way send me links to Spanish language crime reports, with his introductory comments. As he's heavily involved in border control issues---in ways that might not be considered...

The Crimson Chronicles 3 – Kit Up! Gear Up!

There's a clear reason why Cadillac is the still the Mobster's vehicle of choice, despite the disappearance of crushed velour from the interior options lists. You're looking at 20,000 rounds of ammunition, ready for...

TTAG Question of the Day: Do You Lock Up Your Guns?

I wear a lot of hats. Father. Ex-husband. Writer. Small-business owner. Homeowner. Gun owner. When it comes to guns, some of those hats pull me in different directions. There are arguments – strong ones...

Does the FBI Want to Grab Your Guns?

"Here is a chilling and potentially lethal fact of life," this morning's New York Times asserted, "A person on the F.B.I.’s terrorist watch list is barred from boarding an airplane yet is quite free to...

California to Mandate Day-Glo Airguns

An LAPD officer shoots a 13-year-old holding a pellet gun, and this is the Golden State legislature's response: An NRA-ILA alert - California SB 798, introduced by anti-gun extremist state Senator Kevin De León (D-22),...

The Crimson Chronicles – Prologue

Four Days - Countless Rounds of Ammunition - Shoot-Houses - Night-Shoots - Provided Firearms - Provided Equipment .. and one TTAG gun-writer. All those things combine to create one thing - The Crimson Chronicles . . . Three...

Question of the Day: What Kind of Cop Opposes Campus Carry?

"Parents, university officials and campus police took to Capitol Hill on Tuesday, wearing bright-red 'Campus No!' stickers to protest legislation that would have allowed professors and staff to carry weapons onto the gun-free campuses...

How It All Went Down – Team 6 Style

  My fellow Americans, here you will find a highly speculative, possibly exaggerated, and most likely incomplete account of what could  have happened on May 1st, 2011 when United States Special Forces operators kicked the door...

Pakistan’s West Point on UBL: “We Knew Nothing!”

So now that Osama Bin Laden is dead and gone, there are some questions that are unanswered, questions the American public (not to mention Congress and the ObamaNation) are keen to have answered. Number...

TSA and Logic. Do These Things Go Together?

Travel is kind of a pain in the ass, nowadays. In America (the largest developed nation without reliable, efficient passenger train service) you've got three choices – automobile, bus, and airplane. And for all...

How Much Money Should You Spend on Self Defense Per Year?

When smart people want to know how much time, money and money to spend protecting an asset---be it a nuclear missile silo or a corporate server room---they come to me. Or someone like me....

Just Where is the Center, Anyway?

  We talk (a lot) here on TTAG about the Left and the Right here on TTAG. And to be fair, there's some debate on how far right or left any given public figure, reporter,...