Muscle Memory: A Slightly Different Viewpoint

I spend a surprising number of minutes during each day thinking about muscles, coordination, thought processes, and things like "muscle memory." And let me just state, for the record, that RF is absolutely, completely,...

A Gun Ban We Can ALL Support!

7 So I was working this morning when my iPhone came to live with the news that yet another government facility (this time NASA) is under lockdown due to shots being fired. And I'm convinced...

The Truth About The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence

. . . The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence is dedicated to .  . .wait for it . . . preventing gun violence. To that end, the gun control group beats the drum for...

What…Me Vote?

Okay TTAGers. November 2nd is fast upon us. For those of you busy reading our site (and thank you for that, by the way) and not paying attention to politics and current events, November...

Are Gun Shows an Endangered Species?

Prior to April 20th, 1999, it's safe to say that a large segment of the American public had never heard of gun shows, or had heard of them but didn't know what they were...

Remington Model 700: Perception is Reality, even on TV.

Far be it from me to miss a chance to pummel a dead pony, after TTAG has been all over this story, but having just watched the CNBC hit on Remington, I feel duty-bound...

Question of the Day: Aren’t Zombies People Too?

7 I realize that zombie sympathy can only go so far, given that they're flesh eaters. Or are they? In movies and videogames (the above being Sega's Yakuza: Of the End) zombies always seem more...

Thoughts on Lennon. And Marx.

Yesterday was John Lennon's birthday. I know, because they celebrated the in Shreveport, with a rooftop concert at noon, and an evening concert/potluck supper. This got me to thinking back on the life –...

Nothing is Better than A Small Gun. Literally.

"It's better than nothing." It's the phrase that launched a million snub-nosed revolvers and pocket-sized semi-automatic pistols. "I'd like to carry my full-size gun, but it's just not practical. So I carry this. It's...

Guns Are Fun

0 Ten days ago, the Director of Communications at the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence took me to task for writing that American gun control laws are fundamentally racist. Ladd Everett's polemic was epic, fully deserving...

Mexican Drug Wars: The Best Victim is Unarmed

On Tuesday, in the state of Tamaulipas, Mexican Marines discovered 74 dead bodies, including 14 women, in an open gravesite. In May, authorities found 55 dead bodies outside of a mine and another 51...

Lessons I Learned From My Father.

My father died Wednesday. It was sudden. Unexpected. And mercifully quick. RF asked me if I wanted to pen a tribute to him here on the TTAG site. And so I'm taking this opportunity to...