Editorial: The Case Against Handgun Licensing Procedures

OMG! You couldn't let just ANYONE own a handgun could you? What about training? They might shoot someone with that thing! You know: a child. Think of the children! Not to mention the handgun's...

Editorial: “The Speech Sarah Palin Should Give to the NRA”

The following editorial was written by Aaron Zelman, Founder and Director of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. Dear Sarah: Here is the speech you should give to the NRA when you address its...

Editorial: NYT: Misery in Zimbabwe Nothing to Do With Guns

Many American gun owners believe civilian gun ownership is the bulwark of democracy. They consider the right to keep and bear arms the safeguard against government-imposed tyranny. Those who oppose this idea reject that...

Editorial: Republicans “The Voice for Greed and Guns”

Wandered into this letter to the editor in the Salt Lake Tribune. I offer it not as flamebait (much), but as more evidence that those lobbying for gun control tend to view gun owners...

Editorial: The U.S. Army Gunship Attack is Not What It Seems

It would be easy to pass judgment on the video that has just surfaced from a 2007 incident that involved the deaths of a reporter, his camera-man, and several bystanders on a street in...

Editorial: Gun Owners, Lend Me Your Ears.

Got a minute for me to bend your ear? Good. I've got something important, that you need hear. While you still can, that is. Let's call this one a public service announcement for your...

Editorial: Firearms Fearmongering for Fun and Profit

I am not an alarmist. Which is probably why I did not pursue a career in broadcast journalism. Oh, sure, I love a great story, and I'm always sensitive to making things as interesting...

Editorial: Thoughts on Governments and Gun Permits

Our fundamental rights come from God. We the People grant our government certain rights to enable it to keep our country functioning. Rights do NOT come from the government, who then grants the ones...

Editorial: Is Anti-Gun Culture Lowering Boys’ Reading Skills?

I don't know about you, but I'm a boy. Well, I was one, back in the day. I played guns all the time, perfecting the art of finger shooting, quick draw and dying while...

Editorial: Lies, Damned Lies & Statistics

Here at TTAG, we're doing our best to present all points of view. Taking that one step further, I've extended this attitude into my personal life. Yep. It's true. I'm dating someone who...

Bang, Bang . . . You’re Dead.

When I was a kid, I had what I guess you'd call a good childhood. Two parents that loved me. Good school. Three squares a day. The usual. A big part of growing up...

Bill Bernstein, Gun Dealer

So I asked Bill Bernstein, owner of Nashville's East Side Gunshop, "what's a nice Jewish boy like you doing selling guns?" If you didn't know, you wouldn't know. With his white beard, dark suit, and...