Spin Cycle

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9whAjS-kdto When I was a kid, we'd sit around after dinner, watching our TV, spending what the social engineers now refer to as "quality time." My dad is a music teacher. He had some pointedly...

Is it Time to Replace the Cooper Color Codes?

Gun guru Jeff Cooper's "Gunsite Color Code" describes four states of preparedness. White (unaware and unprepared), yellow (relaxed alert), orange (specific alert) and red (time to cap yo' ass). "There is a problem in...

A Car Guy Looks at Guns and the Owners that Shoot Them

I'm a car guy. My interests lean heavily toward horsepower over firepower. But we live in a world with enthusiasts in both camps. So I decided to interpret the gun world from a car...

Ask the Armed Intelligentsia: 1903 Colt .32 As a Carry Gun?

A TTAG reader writes: "I enjoyed your article on the Colt 1903 automatic.  I have a 1903 Colt .32 cal., serial number 518xxx, which I think is from the 1930's. It hasn't been fired in...

And How Was Your Day? (7.22.10)

"How many bullets is enough?" I asked the rabbi. We were loading the XD-M to its 19 round capacity. Ten boxes of 115 grain Federal 9mm sat on the wooden table in front of us. "You...

TTAG is Growing, but Icon See You Very Well…

The good news: TTAG is growing by leaps and bounds. New writers. New readers. Lots of readers making comments. It's all good. And aside from a few tech glitches lately (our...

My How Times Have Changed Dept: Mattel TommyBurst Machine Gun

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UDOw6e0yIs I miss the toys of my youth. When I was a kid, it was cool to fantasize and role-play in games that involved guns. Cops 'n Robbers. Cowboys n' Indians. Good guys versus Bad...

Suppose You’re Fond of Books . . .

You like their leather bindings, their fancy endpapers, the way they speak to you of other times and places, the way they feel in your hand. You like the way they smell. Naturally, you're aware that books are...

NRA vs. GOA: Realpolitik vs. Fanaticism?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSEnHJmurlE Sebastian over at Opposing View takes a dim view of those who criticize the National Rifle Association for its support of democratic politicians like Harry Reid. A really dim view, with enough link love...

Scarecrows and Gun Shows

In the wake of the McDonald ruling by the Supremes, anti-gun groups are (predictably) in a froth. Sadly for the rest of us, the McDonald ruling has left a whole lotta wiggle room regarding...

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Sig Sauer’s Double Action/Single Action...

I carry my SIG both ways, which means sometimes I have one "in the hole" and other times I leave the chamber empty. Why? Well, if I know I'm going to go to a...

And How Was Your Day? (7.12.10)

Walmart. Everyone buys ammo at Walmart. Yeah, well, "everyone" doesn't live in Rhode Island. You know how your neighborhood Walmart is clean and tidy and staffed by people who give a damn (even if...