Chuck Schumer

Bread and Circuses: Senate Democrats Waste Time On A Cheap Election Year Gun Control...

Wiser politicians and diplomats realize that Otto Von Bismarck was right when he said, "Politics is the art of the possible, the attainable-the art of the next best." Instead of wasting time on stupid...

BREAKING: Multiple Victims Reported in Shooting at University of Nevada-Las Vegas

BREAKING SHOOTING: Active shooter reported on campus of Nevada University, Las Vegas (UNLV), police say there appears to be multiple victims — Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) December 6, 2023 Multiple victims have been reported in a...

Sorry, But You Can’t Claim Trump’s An Aspiring Dictator and Also Be for Civilian...

A recent article at the Washington Post breathlessly makes the case that Donald Trump is sure to become a full blown dictator if elected to another term next year. People can (and are) arguing...

More Than a Quarter Million New Gun Owners in Israel Prove the Need for...

By Lee Williams  More than 260,000 Israelis have applied for firearm permits since the horrific Hamas terrorist attacks, according to The Times of Israel.  While the Israeli government has loosened some permitting restrictions, the results are...

Remington: After Two Centuries, An Anti-Gun Blue State Drives Out Another Gun Maker

It’s a sad day and marked the end of a nearly two-century era in New York. Add another tally on the board for a hostile gun control Blue state in the Northeast suffocating and...

Anti-Gunners Paint Themselves Into a Corner Refusing 3D-Printed Guns at ‘Buyback’

A gun control group in New Mexico recently announced yet another gun "buyback" event. This time, though, there's a twist: no 3D-printed guns are allowed. We've seen this before, but this time the group managed...
gun store counter pistol

Federal Judge Grants Summary Judgement Striking Down Federal Ban on Handgun Sales to Adults...

For decades, a disturbing trend has been afoot. Instead of treating teenagers mostly like adults and then giving them their full rights at age 18, people have been taking the rights of young adults...
Crime scene investigation

Seattle’s New Homicide Record Shows the Utter Failure of Gun Control Laws

The City of Seattle—home to a billionaire-backed gun prohibition lobbying group which bankrolled two gun control initiatives that have been dismal failures—hit a new homicide record this week, ironically with the death of a...
JWT hunting

HELL NO: UN Climate Confab Pushes Anti-Hunting, Anti-Meat Eating Agenda

Leaders of the world’s developed and undeveloped countries are gathering in Dubai for the 28th United Nations Convention of Parties (COP28) on "climate action." It’s a global gathering for privileged leaders to fly their...
rifles AR-15 assault weapon AR pattern

Senators Wrap Yet Another ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Bill in a Slightly Different Package for...

We've lost count of how many attempts there have been to enact another federal "assault weapons" ban since the Clinton-era gun control law sunsetted in 2004. A new election year version that was introduced...
Unconstitutional firearms age restrictions

Don’t Expect a Last Minute Rush to Comply With the Illinois ‘Assault Weapons’ Registration...

By Rob Morse Judges are political creatures. They know who elected them or who appointed them. They know what they need to do to get promoted. In some cases, judges have overturned unjust laws and...
Dick Durbin

Anti-Gun Senators Ignore Crime, Push the ‘Gun Violence is a Public Health Problem’ Narrative

U.S. Senators bent on more gun control used a hearing at the Senate Judiciary Committee to attempt to yet again diagnose violent crime in America as a public health disease. Their only proposed cure, of course,...