City of Flagstaff Didn’t Want Gun Ads in Their Airport So They Banned All...

It quickly became clear that Flagstaff's city government didn't want Wilson's business, or gun-related businesses in general, advertising at its facilities and was scrambling to come up with a justification. But government agencies...
Senate Judiciary Committee

Senate Dems Self-Own as Their Own ‘Experts’ Testify That Gun Control Hinders Real Public...

On Tuesday, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing about the "gun violence crisis" they say is underway. But despite multiple dogged attempts to get their own witnesses to support their calls for still...

Biden Makes ‘Finishing the Job’ on Gun Control a Central Plank of His Reelection...

By Mark Oliva President Joe Biden’s campaign is waking from its slumber and vowing he will “finish the job” on gun control as a central pillar of his pitch to stay in The White House...
voting booth

The Gun Control Industry’s Strategy Leaves Me Little Choice But To My Hold Nose...

If you're a regular reader here and you saw my name in the byline, it probably means something different to you than the other writers here. I'm guessing a common reaction is probably "Not...
minneapolis third precinct riots

While More Americans are Armed, Don’t Expect That to Affect the Parties’ Stances on...

By Rob Morse Our society is changing and those changes have resulted in many of us choosing to buy a firearm. We see crime rising around us. We notice that criminals are no longer routinely...

The Biden Administration is Now Applying its Failed Thinking on Gun Control To Cars

We don't write about cars much here, but there are some striking parallels to gun control in some recent moves by the Biden administration. Tell me if this rings any bells. Rather than punishing...

Dead Last: Cato Ranks New York the Least Free State in America for the...

By Joe Bartozzi New York has gone and done it again. The Empire State is considered the “least free” state in the Union. That’s not much of a surprise to those in the firearm industry...
do something gun control protest

Murder Rate Fell 6.1% After Supreme Court’s Bruen Decision, Gun Control Industry Silent

The mid to late 20th century was the peak era of gun control in America. The violence and unrest of the 1960s kicked it all off with the the Gun Control Cct of 1968,...
Dude Where's My Car

The Biden DOJ Makes the ‘Dude, Where’s My Gun?’ Argument For Gun Control

Gun control advocates are having a tough time of it these days. After NYSRPA v Bruen, they're actually having to prove their gun control laws are constitutional when they're challenged, and to do so,...
Joe Biden angry speech

How to Undo the Damage Done to Gun Rights By the Biden Administration

By Lee Williams  The Biden-Harris administration has done more harm to the Second Amendment than all previous administrations combined. Biden and his unelected, behind-the-scenes shot-callers have been methodical in their multifaceted war on our civil...
Sally Buzbee

Washington Post In Full Politicized Vulture Mode With Publication Gory Mass Shooting Pictures

After recent mass shootings, I've seen a particularly unhinged request in comments sections: publish images of the dead. It seemed for months like nobody was going to answer that ugly call, but after warnings...