NY City Mayor Eric Adams Struggles With the Facts in His Call for Another...

New York City Mayor Eric Adams is sounding more and more like one of his predecessors, Michael Bloomberg: a hypocritical gun control activist with truth problems. It’s notable given the mayor’s “Gotta get tough on criminals”...
Wayne LaPierre NRA

Anti-Gunners Who Cheer the NRA’s Demise are Fighting (and Losing) the Wrong War

In the last couple days, a new piece from Newsweek has the anti-gun world excited. Why? Because, it says, the NRA is slowly dying. The usual civilian disarmament suspects like Giffords, March For Our...
lewiston maine shooter robert card

Determining Which People With Mental Health Conditions Should Be Disarmed is No Easy Task

By Arash Javanbakht, Wayne State University Every time the country is shaken by a tragic mass shooting and the loss of innocent lives, mental illness and its role in the actions of the mass shooter...
New York subway John Rote arrest

Why Good Guys With Guns Don’t Aways Come to the Rescue

Want to see some nasty political fighting? Just head to Google or the search box on any social media platform and type in "good guy with gun." You'll find all sorts of reasons that...
Second 2nd amendment

The Simple Truth About Guns, the Second Amendment and the Nature of Our Rights

By Richard L. Guion The US Constitution is not and can never be used as a limit upon the people. All too often people regard the introductory statement of the Second Amendment, "A well-regulated militia,...

Gun Control Advocates Use Phony ‘International Lawsuit’ To Boost Fundraising, Keep Themselves Employed

On Friday, an anti-gun group caught the attention of the Firearms Policy Coalition with an interesting proposition: an "international lawsuit" that could compel the Untied States to adopt harsh gun control measures. As usual,...

ATF Lets Chicago’s Machine-Gun Toting Thugs Slide, Concentrates Instead on Banning Legal AR-15 Rifles

By Lee Williams More than 500 people have been shot and killed in Chicago this year. More than 2,220 have been shot and wounded. On any weekend, Chicago streets reverberate with the sound of fully...
David Hogg

After Blaming Almost Everyone for Gun Crime, Harvard Man David Hogg Now Goes After…White...

From the NRA-ILA . . . Is there anyone or anything that professional ranter, former progressive pillow company executive, and anti-gun activist David Hogg hasn’t blamed for gun crime? The NRA, predictably, has been pretty much at...
black gun owners range train

Long March: The Gun Control Industry’s Never-Ending Push for Civilian Disarmament

By Miguel A. Faria, MD For many years, the federal government has arrogated more power to itself at the expense of the individual states, including policing actions that should fall within the jurisdiction of state...

The One Useful Takeaway from the Nashville School Shooter’s Leaked Non-Manifesto

Back in March, I laid out several important reasons why police should release the Tennessee shooter's manifesto, which they claimed to be in possession of. In short, leaving such things to the public's imagination...
ATF Director Steven Dettelbach

ATF Director Publicly Calls for Universal Background Checks and an ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Director Steven Dettelbach pledged to Congress during his nomination hearing that he’d “use the tools Congress gives me,” and committed to “being a fair regulator” of the firearm...
Byrna CO2 less lethal gun

Journalistic ‘Ethics’: Writer Runs Interview With Less Lethal Gun Maker at The Trace After...

By Lee Williams  The Trace – former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun propaganda factory – has proven once again it is completely devoid of ethics and reliable only as a source of fake...