Terrorist Attacks in Israel Are About to Change the Country and the Way They...

These are just some of the dozens of people killed by Hamas terrorists at a music festival in southern Israel. Many are not even Israelis (not that it matters). There are reports that Hamas has...
Moms Demand Action gun control

Gun Control Can’t Take the Place of a Healthy, Cohesive Civil Society…And It Never...

Here's a blistering hot take: gun control isn't even close to a sufficient substitute for a healthy moral and civil society, and it never will be. Limiting individuals' civil liberties erodes their rights for...

Full California: City of Ojai Recognizes the ‘Personhood’ and Legal Rights of Elephants

The Nonhuman Rights Project (NhRP) finally got their way. A local city council has voted 4-1 to adopt a resolution to declare that elephants aren’t just animals and instead deserve “the legal rights of...

To All the Hunting Haters and Anti-Gunners Who Write To Me – Drop Dead

“I hope your dogs eat your face.” “You deserve to be raped. I want to be the one to do it.” “I’m going to hunt your family like you hunted that deer.” These gems and others like...
Cuellar carjacking

Carjacked Congressman is a Perfect Illustration of Why More Americans are Becoming Gun Owners

Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) briefly recounted his experience being carjacked in Washington, DC's Navy Yard neighborhood. He said there were three assailants with guns who stole his car, and he said the incident was...

Zero Tolerance Follies: The Pathetic Hoplophobia of Punishing Kids (and Adults) for Finger Guns

Finger guns, the lethal weapons of choice of absolutely no one, are in the news again. Every so often we write about over-the-top reactions to harmless things or actions with some nebulous but apparently nefarious gun-related nexus,...
Laphonza Butler

California’s New Senator Laphonza Butler Will Carry On Dianne Feinstein’s Anti-Gun Legacy

California Gov. Gavin Newsom is ensuring that his gun control agenda is in safe hands with the appointment of Laphonza Butler to serve in the U.S. Senate following the passing of U.S. Sen. Dianne...
armed teacher training gun school

We Have a Tested, Proven Way to Keep Schools and Students Safe…If We Want...

By Rob Morse It's bad enough when another broken, narcissistic idiot with a gun kills innocent victims. It's worse still when the mainstream media gives the murderer -- depending on their politics -- a multi-million-dollar...

Let’s Take a Look at Who Will Be Running Biden’s New Ministry of Gun...

By Larry Keane The White House made a much-ballyhooed announcement that they were caving to gun control special interests by installing a new Office of Gun Violence Prevention. The office will have little to do...

Better Angels of our Nature: Of Love, Gun Control and Armed Self Defense

By Rob Morse I hope you’ve fallen in love at some point. It's an exciting time when your new partner is simply beautiful and the world is full of possibilities. Eventually, the honeymoon ends and...

Sounds and Fury Signifying Nothing: N.J. Governor Emotes Over Challenge to ‘Sensitive Places’ Law

New Jerseys  Governor Phil Murphy lashed out in response to a ten day old filing by the Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs, in the challenge to the state's “carry-killer” Bruen response...
NRA Headquarters

Judge Orders New York to Pay Almost Half a Million of NRA’s Bruen Legal...

In a case decided last summer, the Supreme Court ruled that a New York public carry licensing law was unconstitutional and that the ability to carry a pistol in public was a constitutional right guaranteed...