law abiding gun owners

What the Gun Control Industry Will Never Understand About the Second Amendment Community

If I made a list of things anti-gunners didn't understand, it would start with our basic Civil Rights and end with how to use toilet paper. Ultimately, I couldn't list everything they don't get,...
Kershaw Lucha butterfly knife balisong

Hawaii Desperate to Overturn Butterfly Knife Ruling That Threatens Gun Control Laws

By Chuck Michel The State of Hawaii filed a petition on Wednesday seeking en banc review of a Ninth Circuit panel’s ruling in Teter v. Lopez. While that ruling was limited in scope, declaring Hawaii’s ban on butterfly knives...
k12 school shooting database

David Reidman: Some Cops Can’t Shoot, So Let’s Keep America’s Teachers Disarmed

This ain’t the own this moron thinks it is. How well is an armed teacher gonna do? Better. Because they are highly motivated at the time to not die. This is more a commentary on modern...

It’s Impossible for Joe Biden to Crack Down on Gun Rights Enough to Satisfy...

Wish they may, wish they might – gun control Democrats in Congress are still holding out hope President Joe Biden will deliver their biggest wish. What they shouldn’t be holding is their breath. More than...
California Governor Gavin Newsom

Newsom’s Gun Control Constitutional Convention is Designed to Make Your Gun Rights Privileges

From the CCRKBA . . . Passage by California lawmakers of anti-gun Democrat Gov. Newsom’s call for a constitutional convention to push a 28th Amendment dictating gun control measures is a horrible move which should...
New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham

Just Deserts: New Mexico Governor Grisham’s Authoritarian Power-Grab Has Crashed and Burned

By Rob Morse What do you do when bad political decisions get set into dogma? If you’re a Democrat politician, then you ignore the facts and blame the people that your donors love to hate....
form 4473

Random Thoughts on Hunter Biden, Domestic Violence, and Disarming Those Who Haven’t Been Convicted...

One of the most entertaining aspects of Hunter Biden being indicted on three gun-related charges due to his drug use is the reaction of those on the left side of the political spectrum. They're...

The Hunter Biden Indictment is All About the Lying, Not the Drugs

From the CCRKBA . . . While a broader debate about the government’s case against Hunter Biden will undoubtedly rage on social media and in the establishment press, the Citizens Committee for the Right to...
Gavin Newsom smile

Full California: The Golden State Legislature Stacks Up Gun Control Bills as the Session...

The deadline for the California state legislature to pass bills out of chamber is next week. Anti-gun state legislators are ramming through even more gun control legislation for legislative action with that deadline looming. California...

Gun Owners Owe New Mexico’s Inept, Authoritarian Governor a Debt of Gratitude

It's one thing to be a budding authoritarian who doesn't care about violating state law and individuals' civil rights. It's another thing to be an inept, incompetent authoritarian. For that, we call all be...
Michelle Lujan Grisham

New Mexico Governor’s ‘Public Health Emergency Order’ Also Contains a Name-And-Shame Provision

New Mexico’s Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham kicked the hornet’s nest when she published her emergency public health order that attempts to neuter the Second Amendment and force standardless firearm retailer “inspections.” The order is...

State of Play: The Firearm Industry Is Being Marginalized and Micro-Aggressed Online

Here's a real shocker: the tech industry actively marginalizes and throttles traffic to the firearm industry and the Second Amendment-friendly community in general. Over the last couple of months TTAG, Black Collar Arms (which...