cartoon woman anger fear horror scream

Upset by His Stories and Podcasts, AUSA Laura Cofer Taylor Tries to Muzzle a...

By Lee Williams  My colleague John Crump at Ammoland News deserves praise for his coverage of the AutoKeyCard case, in which the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives charged Matthew Hoover and Justin Ervin...
marijuana joint weed cannabis

Fifth Circuit: A Marijuana User Doesn’t Lose His Gun Rights When He Isn’t High

Just as there was no historical justification for disarming a citizen of sound mind, there is no tradition that supports disarming a sober citizen who is not currently under an impairing influence. Indeed, it...

The Biden Administration’s Newest Front in the War on Guns: Youth Hunting

In his latest attack on the Second Amendment, gun owners and the firearm industry, President Biden, through his Department of Education, decided to block federal funding from scholastic programs that benefit youth hunting and...
Supreme Court 2A second amendment

Don’t Buy the Narrative: America Has Far More Gun Owners Than the Gun Control...

From the NRA-ILA . . . Part of the gun control advocates’ narrative includes the claim that the number of gun owners are a relatively small minority in the United States. The obvious goal of this...
Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney

Rather Than Enforce the Law, Philadelphia Chooses to Sue Gun Retailers Instead

Philadelphia officials desperate to blame-shift responsibility for the crime control failures are suing firearm retailers. Philadelphia is suing three firearm retailers – Frank’s Gun Shop Double Tap Shooting Range and Delia’s Gun Shop in Northeast Philadelphia, and...
girl shooting machine gun peace sign

Everytown and SPLC: Kids Who Like Guns are ‘Male Supremacist’ Racists…Allegedly

By Lee Williams  In Joe Biden’s America, the quickest way to marginalize an individual or a group is by labeling them as racist. It can happen to literally anyone, since the accusations don’t have to...
US America map guns united states

Mangual and VerBruggen: There are Ways to Reduce Violence and Maintain Strong Gun Rights…But...

Gun-control advocates have decried the Supreme Court’s 2022 decision in NYSRPA v. Bruen, which held that the Constitution requires states to issue concealed-carry permits to law-abiding adults as a matter of right. States may still require training and the like,...
Teacher Training Shootings

How to Meet New People, Preserve Gun Rights, and Save Lives

By Rob Morse While it may be hard to believe for readers here, a lot of people aren't gun owners. They don’t share a home with someone who owns a firearm. Most people also believe...
John Cornyn

After Getting Rolled by Dems, John Cornyn Can Only Express Impotent Outrage Over the...

After the horrific shooting in Uvalde, Texas last year with the appalling failure of district, local, and state police, the usual outcry went up for more gun control. The far-left gun control industry lives...
Project Child Safe ChildSafe

Guardian Launches Assault on NSSF Trade Association for Actually Representing Its Member Companies

By Lee Williams About every six months or so the British tabloid media forgets that no one on this side of the pond gives a damn about what they think of America, our guns, or...

BREAKING: The Guardian Exposes the NSSF as an Industry Trade Association That Represents Its...

During Donald Trump’s presidency, the NSSF used its lobbying muscle to help prod his administration to move regulation of gun exports from the state department to the commerce department, a shift that seems to...
Junk Science guns

NY Times Recycles Debunked Study to Weaponize Anti-Gun Lies, Push More Disarmament Agitprop

By Salam Fatohi Anti-gun activists are getting so desperate that they are relying on incorrect methodology to spread their own gun control agenda in their battle against the firearm industry. Put simply: junk science will...