Second Amendment Law Center’s Amicus Brief Campaign Pays Off Ahead of Illinois ‘Assault Weapons’...

By C.D. Michel Monday was the deadline for the state defendants to file their reply briefs and to file amicus (friend of the court) briefs in several cases challenging Illinois’ “assault weapon” and standard capacity...
Rep. Rashida Tlaib

Business as Usual: Congress Dithers, Issues Press Releases While Touting Doomed, Do-Nothing Gun Bills

Never underestimate the ability of certain Members of Congress to waste taxpayer dollars and time on proposed legislation that's either already being done or will do nothing to improve community safety. Burning tax dollars for...
Washington, DC carjacking

Local Laboratories Don’t Show the Effectiveness of Gun Control Laws Advocates Claim They Do

29 From the NRA-ILA . . . Ninety years ago, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis described a novel business regulation in a case then before the Court as one that “involves a vast extension of the area...
Founding Fathers

Bentivegna: It’s Almost As If the Founders Knew What They Were Doing When They...

I do not like guns. I do not own one. I can count on one hand the number of times I have fired one. In my opinion, if hunters want to be true sportsmen,...

Succession: Anti-Gun Billionaire George Soros Names Son Alexander to Carry on His ‘Progressive’ Agenda

One of the most powerful forces in "progressive" politics announced he’s stepping away and named his son as successor. The plan means there could be big changes coming to the organization behind some of...
lee paige negligent discharge

Gun Safety: Are Negligent Discharges Inevitable?

103 An "accidental discharge" is more accurately known as a negligent discharge (ND). One second you’re admiring a brilliantly designed and executed piece of wood (or plastic) and steel and the next...your ears are ringing,...
dewey defeats truman

New Jersey’s Dominant Media Continues to Whistle Past the Bruen Gun Control Graveyard

Traditionally the media in New Jersey is biased, with the dominant papers owned by large progressive corporations. Some independent and smaller media companies in the Garden State actually embrace civil liberties. One paper that's...
Joe Biden

The White House: Where the ‘Facts’ are Made Up and Second Amendment Rights Just...

The President is on the loose again, uttering nonsense about the Second Amendment. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, we have a problem. President Joe Biden spoke to a collection of political donors as he’s gearing up his...
california concealed carry permit

CRPA’s CCW Reckoning Program Forces Hostile CA Counties to Issue Carry Permits

By C.D. Michel and Kostas Moros The landmark Bruen ruling was a huge win for gun owners across the country, but as we’ve seen repeatedly, Supreme Court rulings alone are not self-enforcing. It still takes...
gun lock locked pistol

Rep Rashida Tlaib Seeks to Mandate Firearm Dealers Attempt to Sell a Lock With...

From the department of redundant redundancy departments comes "The Squad" backbencher, Congressnon-man Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), pushing legislation that would force gun dealers to have locks available for every firearm they sell. Not included with...
Joe Biden angry point gesture

No Matter How Senile He May Be, Joe Biden Is a Never-Ending Fount of...

President Joe Biden’s first presidential speechwriter jumped ship after one year and the gun control lies didn’t stop. Media outlets finally began fact-checking the president’s repeated false claims even as he continued reciting them. The truth demonstrates he’s...

Chesterton’s Fence, or Why Gun Control Bulldozes the Needs (and Rights) of the Average...

Back in 1929, in The Thing: Why I Am a Catholic, G.K. Chesterton introduced a decision-making principle that came to be known as Chesterton’s fence: In the matter of reforming things, as distinct from deforming them,...