Surprising No One, the President’s Junkie Son Gets a Sweetheart Deal for His Tax,...

By Lee Williams  The Biden Family’s infamous dual standard of justice was on full display this morning when Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss disclosed the details of Hunter Biden’s sweetheart plea deal. Weiss had been...

Gottlieb: Hunter Biden Gun Charge Deal an Outrage, Insult

From Alan Gottlieb, Chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms ( . . . CCRKBA: HUNTER BIDEN GUN CHARGE DEAL AN OUTRAGE, INSULT BELLEVUE, WA – Tuesday’s announced “tentative deal” to...

Science: Has Importing New York-Style Gun Control Laws Made Vermont Less Safe?

From the NRA-ILA . . . Up until 2018, deep blue Vermont was a model for sensible gun laws. In other words, they had few and politicians on both sides of the aisle understood the...
we will not comply

Constitutional Carry Counties Undermine the Constitution Itself…Allegedly

John E. Finn, Wesleyan University Declaring its community a “constitutional county” on May 23, 2023, the Board of County Commissioners in Ottawa County, Michigan, voted 9-1 not to enforce any law or rule that “restricts...
ATF agents

After Pistol Braces, What’s Next on the ATF’s Hit List?

By Lee Williams  House Republicans tried to stop the massive overreach by unelected bureaucrats at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. The ATF has turned more than 40 million law-abiding Americans into felons...
trump maga protest support flag

Das: How the ‘MAGA-Gun Lobby’ Justifies the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

Because of the MAGA-gun lobby’s opposition to any new gun law, we’ve seen criminals get guns and carry out 147 mass shootings in the first 100 days this year.  Rather than change course and...
handgun shooting range practice pistol training

Shooting Ranges Should Try To Stay Out Of The Culture Wars

There are many different ways to have a birthday party. Some people like the traditional cake and a song. Others like to meet friends at a bar, or go to a park. But, I'd...
Sheila Jackson Lee

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Demonstrates the Kind of Legislative Expertise We’ve All Come to...

111 A veteran can buy a brace any day of the year. We love, admire and respect our veterans. But at the same time, we respect our first responders. Police officers and fire fighters and...
common sense gun control protest sign

Colorado Gun Control Rally a Damp Squib While Media Approvingly Swoon

What began as an over-hyped, week-long gun control rally to force Colorado Gov. Jared Polis to ban all guns in his state fizzled out after one day and a little rain. It was a real-time...
Gavin Newsom

Newsom Tries to Spread the California ‘Success’ Story With His Doomed Gun Control Constitutional...

California’s Gov. Gavin Newsom’s policy instincts match his hair gel. Both are applied liberally. Take his latest notion. He is proposing a 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. He’s not proposing to protect rights granted by our Creator,...
Kamala Harris

Now They’re REALLY Serious: Biden Taps VP Harris to Lead Administration’s Gun Control Messaging

President Joe Biden made an announcement he hopes will excite the gun control activists for his 2024 reelection bid. The president is calling in his Big Gun to “lead the messaging” on his gun control...