Kamala Harris

Now They’re REALLY Serious: Biden Taps VP Harris to Lead Administration’s Gun Control Messaging

President Joe Biden made an announcement he hopes will excite the gun control activists for his 2024 reelection bid. The president is calling in his Big Gun to “lead the messaging” on his gun control...
Gavin Newsom angry

Gavin Newsom Tries to Export California’s Anti-Gun Authoritarianism Nationwide

From the Firearms Policy Coalition . . . Today, Governor Gavin Newsom cynically called for using guns, gun owners, and tragedies to get free press for his perpetual political campaigning by proposing to drag the...
Ryan Busse

Professional Apostate Ryan Busse Has Deep Thoughts About Guns and Society

Ryan Busse is at it again. His tedious gun control “holier-than-thou” schtick is wearing thin, which might be why he’s now adding pseudo sociologist, criminologist, psychologist and psychiatrist to his self-proclaimed list of expertise...
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. RFK

RFK Jr: Prozac May Link to a Rise in School Shootings

My position on gun control is that I’m not going to take away anybody’s guns. I’m a constitutional maximalist and the issue has been settled by the Supreme Court…I understand personally the heartbreak of...

Injunctions Blocking Enforcement of ATF Pistol Brace Rule Padding Gun Rights Groups’ Membership Rolls

As we noted last week, three court injunctions are currently in place blocking the ATF's enforcement of its arbitrary about face rule that now regulates previously legal brace-equipped pistols as short barreled rifles under...
Ryan Busse

Busse: Gun Violence Has Spiked Because Firearm Makers Have Violated an Unspoken, Fragile Social...

Where are we, as a nation, on guns? And where do you think we need to go? I think we might be on the precipice of things getting much worse. I think this Bruen decision, the...
police crime scene

Smith: Leftists Who Run America’s Cities Have No Interest In Actually Reducing Violence

One of the most common strategies used by the political left to attack 2nd Amendment supporters is to ramp up the anti-gun hype every time a crime involving a gun is committed. They don’t care...

Why All the Hate for Smart Guns?

We've been hearing about "smart guns" for well over a quarter century. The dream (of some) has been a gun that recognizes its owner and will only work for that person. The idea is...
gavin newsom trump gun control california

California Gov. Newsom Claims Florida’s Permitless Carry Law – That Isn’t Yet in Effect...

From the CCRKBA . . . California Gov. Gavin Newsom should button his lip instead of trying to blame a new permitless carry law signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis for a Memorial Day shooting in...
Memorial Day flag grave remember

Honoring Those Who Gave Their Lives to Protect Our Freedoms

For some, Memorial Day is the kickoff of summer. Vacations are planned, backyard grilling and warm days with friends and family are in the works. It’s also a day of honoring those who gave...
Marijuana dispensary

Guns Rights and Marijuana Use: The Times May Finally Be A-Changin’

By: C.D. Michel In a 2021 article for California NORML, I discussed how federal gun laws intersect with California’s legalization of recreational marijuana use. In that article, I examined Ninth Circuit authority holding that federal...
Read between the lines lies fake news

Science: JAMA Authors Based Their Analysis On Debunked ‘Gun Violence’ Data

By Lee Williams The first edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association was published July 14, 1883. It contained a transcript of the annual address then-AMA president, Dr. W. Brodie, made during the...