Ukrainian Welder Creates ‘Flowers of War’ From Rifles, Ammunition

From the AP . . . A blacksmith in the Russian-controlled eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk is practically beating swords into ploughshares, and turning one man’s trash into treasures. Viktor Mikhalev takes weapons and ammunition...

Bartozzi: ‘Expansive’ Connecticut Gun Control Bills Would Do Nothing to Deter Criminals

By Matt Manda NSSF’s President and CEO Joe Bartozzi had a few words for Connecticut lawmakers considering Gov. Ned Lamont’s gun control proposals. Bartozzi testified and used every second of his allotted time to explain how...
fear horror cartoon

Opponents, Anti-Gunners Horrified as Constitutional Carry Looks Inevitable in Florida

  By Lee Williams Whether it’s called constitutional carry, permitless carry or unlicensed concealed carry -- which is probably the most accurate -- the fact that soon millions of Floridians will no longer need a permission...

Bloomberg Gun Control Operation Passes Off NSSF ChildSafe Gun Locks as Their Own

The Bloomberg supported group Be Smart had a booth at the Asheville Gun Show today. They are passing out locks paid for by ⁦@NSSF⁩ With Bloomberg’s billions, you’d think they could buy their own....

Williams: Missouri Reps Should Defend Missourians’ Right to Live Rather Than Their Gun Rights

After the NRA’s wildly successful lobbying to turn the Second Amendment into an absolute individual right was emboldened by the Bruen decision, several states have been toeing the line to determine what prohibitions, if any,...
gun-free zone no guns sign mall of america

You’ll Be Better Able to Defend Yourself When You Start Thinking Like a Criminal

By Rob Morse Few of us act like criminals. That's a good thing. We're law-abiding gun owners after all. Even fewer of us think or act like mass murderers. That's good too, and I’m grateful...
Parkland school shooting memorial

3 Evidence-Based Ways to Prevent School Shootings (That Don’t Involve More Gun Control)

Beverly Kingston, University of Colorado Boulder and Sarah Goodrum, University of Colorado Boulder In the months leading up to his 2012 attack that killed 26 people in Newtown, Connecticut, a 20-year-old man exhibited a cascade...
Lori Lightfoot

Even After a Historic Landslide Defeat, Lori Lightfoot Doesn’t Seem to Realize It Was...

Chicago’s incumbent Mayor Lori Lightfoot just lost in a landslide. She came in third place and barely received 17 percent of the vote from Chicago voters – 83 percent chose someone else. That means she’ll...
Black Women Guns

Old Fat White Guys Have a Lot of New Company in America’s Gun Culture

Times, and gun ownership, are a-changing. Much to the chagrin of those who oppose lawful gun ownership, it is becoming increasingly difficult to paint the stereotype of today’s gun owner as pale, male and...
media gun control mass shooting

How Americans Are Taught to Hate Guns and Despise Gun Owners

By Rob Morse We all know how to sell something. We also know how to discredit an idea or action. All we have to do is ignore its benefits and inflate its costs. Are those...