Credit,Card,Payment,,Buy,And,Sell,Products,&,Service machine

State, Federal Lawmakers Trying to Put the Brakes On Credit Card Companies Tracking Firearm...

Amalgamated Bank CEO Priscilla Sims Brown isn’t shy about catering to Democratic politics and progressive causes. The New York Post even described her as “the Left’s private banker.” Sims Brown is especially proud of herself...
AR-15 AR15 rifle

Oh, The Humanity: Latest Polling Shows a Majority of Americans Now Oppose an ‘Assault...

Americans have purchased modern sporting rifles (MSRs) by the millions and are becoming more aware of the firearm’s functionality and operation. As a result, a new poll shows Americans increasingly do not support a...
Defend equality patch

Armed Self-Defense Is For Everyone: Rainbow Reload Helps LGBT Members ‘Be Dangerous Back’

Amid the hikers and snowmobilers in the park today, these are members of a group called Rainbow Reload, an LGBTQ gun club that offers experts and the gun-curious a chance to practice firearms skills...

Marshall University Prof: Cops and Vets Earn Their Second Amendment Rights Through Months of...

The presidents of West Virginia University and Marshall University penned a joint letter to legislators opposing the bill in late January. "We believe that our boards of governors are best suited to decide whether guns...
Discover credit card

What’s In Your Wallet? – Discover Is the First Gun Store Transaction Tracking Credit...

Discover credit cards needs to go slogan shopping. The old ones won’t work now that the credit card financial services company has decided to go along with the newly-assigned merchant category code (MCC) for...

New York and California Show What Anti-Gun States Should and Shouldn’t be Doing to...

By Joe Bartozzi California and New York have among the nation’s strictest gun control laws. The governors of each state often brag about forcing even more restrictions on law-abiding gun owners rather than getting tough...
Mexico Corruption President Obrador

Corrupt Mexican Government Blames US Gun Makers for the Illegal International Arms Trade

Mexico must believe that its lawsuits against firearm manufacturers and firearm retailers are on legal life support. The country is now turning to the United Nations’ Ninth Conference of States Parties (CSP9) to the...
Indianapolis Washington Square Mall shooting shooter

Volokh: Armed Citizens Stop a Significant Percentage Mass Shooters and Save Lives

I gathered some more examples from over the years here, and then followed up with data based on FBI reports of mass shootings in 2016 and 2017: legal civilian gun carriers tried to intervene in...
hypocrite definition dictionary

Oh NOW the ATF Thinks Running Guns to the Mexican Cartels is a Bad...

By Lee Williams Isaac Hernandez, a 25-year-old American citizen who had been living in Mexico, will spend the next six years in a federal prison contemplating the errors of his ways. On July 11, 2022, Hernandez...
California State Senator Dave Min

California Bill Would Mandate Banking Discrimination Against Gun Manufacturers

Never underestimate the ability of California lawmakers to embrace the wildest ideas when it comes to eliminating gun rights. Other states are pushing back on “woke” banking discrimination. Not California. There’s an effort there...
gun-free zone sign gun free

We Know How to Stop More Mass Shootings, We Just Have to Decide to...

By Rob Morse News of mass murderers hits everyone on both sides of the gun control debate hard. We all want to stop them, but the question is how. I’ve studied armed defense for about...
George Soros

Chaos Theory: George Soros Takes an Integrated, Long-Game Approach to Destroying Gun Rights

By Lee Williams Former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg and Open Society Foundation’s George Soros may appear to have similar goals. They have each spent massive amounts of their personal fortunes in pursuit of...