Joe Biden

One Thing Biden Didn’t Mention During the SOTU – Cratering Support for Gun Control

By Larry Keane Those tuning in to watch President Biden’s State of the Union address saw and heard a few things when he entered the U.S. House of Representatives to address Congress and the nation....
Gavin Newsom angry pointing

Gavin Newsom Flaunts His Contempt for 2A Rights While Gun Control Laws Fall All...

California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom might be pining for a chance at the country’s highest political office, but he needs a refresher on Civics 101. Specifically, he should get a refresher on how the...
happy independence day

Horrified That the Bruen Decision Protects Gun Rights, Academics Try Throwing Research Data and...

A judge in Texas is using a recent Supreme Court ruling to allow domestic abusers to keep their guns April M. Zeoli, University of Michigan and Shannon Frattaroli, Johns Hopkins University For a large part of the...

Media Reports Ignore Facts in Their Anti-Lead Ammunition ‘Journalism’

Local news outlets often choose to ignore readily-available data and instead “report” on a topic using only one-sided activist talking points. It’s a disservice to viewers and leads to bad policy. Case in point is...
Clarence Thomas

Ruth Marcus is Horrified by the ‘Insane State of Second Amendment Law’ as a...

When the Supreme Court ruled in 2008 that the Second Amendment protects individuals’ right to gun ownership, it emphasized the ability “of law-abiding, responsible citizens to use arms in defense of hearth and home.” When it...
Pistol arm stabilizing brace

The ATF’s Pistol Brace Rule: This is Not the Time for Infighting

People in the firearms community are passionate. Anti-civil rights extremists love to paint the NRA as an all-powerful lobbying boogeyman, but in reality, their donations are chump change compared other interest groups. The power...
Syracuse mass shooting defensive gun use

Both Sides: Armed Self-Defense Far Outweighs the Number of Criminal Uses of Guns

By Rob Morse Facts are important, but knowledge is even better. Thousands of people die each year from adverse reactions to prescription drugs. Perspective tells us that at the same time, modern medicines save millions...
Sheriff Scott Jenkins

Sheriffs Who See Themselves as Ultimate Defenders of the Constitution are Especially Worried About...

By Mirya Holman, Tulane University and Emily Farris, Texas Christian University A gun control law signed by Gov. J.B. Pritzker of Illinois in January 2023 immediately faced opposition from a group key to the law’s...
omg horror

Gun Control Industry Gins Up End-of-Civilization Talking Points After Florida Constitutional Carry Bill is...

From the CCRKBA . . . The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today accused anti-gunners in Florida of “once again promoting hysteria” at the announcement of “Constitutional Carry” legislation, which...
New Jersey Phil Murphy gun stores

Federal District Judge Blocks Enforcement of Most of New Jersey’s Anti-Carry ‘Sensitive Places’ Laws

Federal District Judge Renee Bumb has ruled that the plaintiffs challenging New Jersey's post-Bruen temper tantrum legislation have "a probability of success on the merits of their Second Amendment challenge" when the case is...

The Next Logical Step: Maryland Bills Would Designate Much of the State a No-Go...

Reader MigraineMan writes . . . Maryland’s 2023 Legislative Session jumped right into full gun control mode with Senator Jeff Waldstreicher collaborating with soon-to-be Secretary of State (nee Senator) Susan Lee on the unconstitutional Senate...