Oldest Gun Ever Found In U.S. Unearthed In Arizona

If you think the old Winchester model 1894 your great-grandfather left you in his will is an old gun, it might be time to rethink that assessment. Researchers in...
Nancy Pelosi

Election Analysis: It’s the Guns, Stupid!

Following President Donald Trump’s resounding victory, former Speaker of the House (and possible evil incarnate) Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) whined about gun rights voters to the New York Times. In an...

Happy Thanksgiving

As Thanksgiving marks a season of gratitude, we want to take a moment to reflect on all the blessings we have in this country, particularly the freedoms that make our way of...
Who says talking gun control at Thanksgiving can't be fun?

Everytown Wants You To Argue About Guns At Thanksgiving Dinner

If you’re like me, you probably don’t have that many gun-ban advocates in your family. And the ones that lean in that direction likely aren’t quick to bring it up at rare...
US House of Representatives

GOA Warns Of Gun Control Push During Lame-Duck Session

With former President Donald Trump winning the recent election and Republicans retaining the majority in the U.S. House of Representatives and regaining the majority in the U.S. Senate, Democrats are desperate to...

One of the Country’s Possibly Worst Sheriffs and His Department has Hampered Gun Ownership

Mecklenburg County Sheriff Garry McFadden uses racially offensive language, fires longtime staff for little or no reason, delays firearm permits and promotes himself and his own interests rather than his staff. 
crime scene tape police line

California Grandfather Uses Gun To Save Self, Grandkids

Recent research has shown that most Americans own firearms for self-defense reasons. A recent armed citizen episode in California is living proof of how owning a gun and knowing how to use...

Congressman Announces New Measure To Abolish ATF

Through the U.S. Department of Justice, the Biden Administration has weaponized the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), turning it into an agency constantly battling against America’s lawful gun owners...
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton

Texas AG Sues Hospital System For Restricting Off-Duty LEO Carry

Hot on the heels of the ongoing controversy over a firearm carry ban at the Texas State Fair, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has recently targeted another infringement on the right to...

Gun Rights Group Targets New York’s Nonresident Carry Restriction

On Nov. 21, the Firearms Policy Committee (FPC) filed a lawsuit against the State of New York, challenging the state’s ban on carrying firearms for residents of other states.

Pennsylvania Supreme Court Upholds State’s Firearms Preemption Law

In a lawsuit brought by the City of Philadelphia and community organizations, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Tuesday upheld the state’s firearms preemption law. This law forbids cities from instituting more restrictive...
Columbia, SC bans use of bump fire stocks

How Democrats Are Trying To Resurrect The Bump Stock Ban

Those TTAG readers who have followed the issue of bump stocks and banning the devices will likely recall that in mid-June the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the ban implemented during Donald...