Zero Bail Advocacy Org Shuts Down After Being Sued for Springing a Felon Who...

Zero bail advocacy and laws eliminating bail requirements have sprung up in cities and states around the country since the killing of George Floyd and the 2020 summer of riots, burning, looting, and killings....
protest sign rage

Hanson: Silence is Complicity, So Speak Up and Change the Gun Culture

Life is fragile, and it’s all that we have. More guns equals more gun deaths. No other country has anywhere near as many gun deaths as we do here in the U.S. The Second Amendment...
Phil Murphy

SAF, FPC, Others Sue New Jersey Over New Bruen Response Gun Control Law

The latest gun control law passed in response to the Supreme Court's Bruen decision was signed into law today by New Jersey's proud gun-grabbing Governor Phil Murphy who is adamant that this is the...
Jay Inslee and Bob Ferguson

CCRKBA: Washington Gov. Jay Inslee and AG Bob Ferguson Need Some Remedial Education in...

From the CCRKBA . . . Washington Gov. Jay Inslee and Attorney General Bob Ferguson need a refresher course on the constitution; Inslee because he doesn’t know the difference between a regulated privilege and a...

NBC News Cheers Gun Control ‘Major Wins’ While Ignoring the Growth, Success of Civilian...

Media outlets often peddle “reports” on firearm issues through a biased antigun lens. NBC News is out with a report detailing the “major wins” by the gun control movement over the past decade and completely ignores...
Centers for Disease Control CDC

The CDC Caving to Gun Gun Control Groups’ Pressure is the Very Definition of...

By Joe Bartozzi Last week’s bombshell report by The Reload showing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) purposefully omitted defensive-use data sets after being lobbied by gun control groups shows serious concerns with the...
mad scientist statistics black board calculate

There’s One Big Problem with the Social Science ‘Gun Violence’ Studies the Media Love...

From the NRA-ILA . . . Social science is in the midst of a replication crisis. This means the findings of many published social science papers cannot be reproduced and are likely invalid. A new paper published...

Gun Owners Aren’t Surprised by Joe Biden’s Latest Stolen Valor Fabulism Claims

By Lee Williams  Joe Biden walked onstage in front of a group of veterans Friday and then stole their valor.  Biden told the veterans his Uncle Frank was wounded during the Battle of the Bulge, but...
MAIG mayors against illegal guns bloomberg meeting

What The US Mayors Who Demand More Federal Gun Control Laws Have in Common

  Dozens of mayors from America’s biggest cities are demanding the U.S. Senate pass more gun control. “We write to urge the Senate to pass during the lame duck session gun safety legislation that has...
Gavin Newsom

‘I Can’t Think of Anything More Tyrannical’ – Judge Benitez Will Block California’s Gun...

By LKB The sharpest thorn in the side of California’s gun-grabbers has done it again. Federal Judge Roger Benitez -- who has already issued rulings, currently in the appellate and post-appellate pipeline, tossing California’s “assault...
kalashnikov AK factory rifles

Halbrook: The Second Amendment Means What it Meant in 1791…Period

  When proposing the Fourteenth Amendment to Congress in 1866, Senator Jacob Howard referred to "the personal rights guaranteed and secured by the first eight amendments of the Constitution; such as freedom of speech and...
Joe Biden

End the Charade: Biden and Washington Dems Were Never Interested in Stopping Crimes Involving...

It is time for President Joe Biden to drop the gun control charade. He – along with his Capitol Hill gun control supporters – were never interested in curbing criminal misuse of guns. They...