David Brooks

New York Times Columnist David Brooks Wants Americans to Give Up Their Rights for...

New York Times columnist David Brooks is doing Americas gun owners the service of reminding them why they shouldn’t put any faith in opinion writers pontificating from their metropolitan ivory towers. Brooks recently opined that...
gun violence crime scene

Frustrated Anti-Gun Physician’s Study Tells Only Part of the Story on ‘Gun Violence’

By Lee Williams  More than 1 million Americans were killed by firearms from 1990 to 2021, and firearm deaths increased markedly during the pandemic, according to a study published Tuesday by the Journal of the...

Concealed Carry Tip: Carry a Nice Gun, You’re Worth It

  I can't even count how many times I've heard people spout the common "wisdom" of carrying an inexpensive gun that you don't care about. They'll argue that if you're ever involved in a shooting...
uvalde police school shooting

The Truth About Stopping School Shootings in America

By Lee Williams My heart sinks every time I see breaking-news graphics announce another school shooting. It’s like a gut-punch...the lost lives, the suffering of the wounded, the horrors the first responders must encounter, and...

Why Didn’t Colorado’s ‘Red Flag’ Law Prevent the Club Q Shooting?

By Alex McCourt, Johns Hopkins University The killing of five patrons in a Colorado LGBTQ bar on Nov. 19, 2022, is the latest mass shooting to garner headlines in the U.S. Police have said they have...
Election 2020 Beto O'Rourke

Beto Vetoed: Texans Say ‘No’ To Robert Francis O’Rourke and His Anti-Gun Agenda…Again

“It’s déjà vu all over again,” in the words of the great baseball philosopher Yogi Berra. Texas voters rejected Democrat Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke’s bid for higher office for the third time. This time...
Philadelphia gas station shooting

The Trace Fingers Philly’s Gas Stations as the Source of the City’s Soaring Violent...

By Lee Williams The anti-gun activists at The Trace – the propaganda arm of former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg’s vast anti-gun empire – have created a new bogeyman in their ongoing war against...

Guns Were on the Midterm Ballot: How the Results May Affect Gun Policy Going...

By Alex McCourt, Johns Hopkins University The U.S. midterm elections took place on the backdrop of surging gun violence and in a year scarred by high-profile mass shootings. And though exit polls indicated that abortion rights...
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis

Governors #Resisting Biden’s Push Against States’ Rights and Local Control – What About Gun...

By Lee Williams When Joe Biden’s hyper-partisan Justice Department announced they were sending federal poll watchers to Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis pushed back hard. DeSantis and state election officials pointed to a Florida statute that lists...
University of Virginia Shots

Three Dead, Manhunt On After Shooting in the University of Virginia’s ‘Gun-Free’ Zone

No one is really sure why three people were shot to death and two more were wounded in a University of Viriginia parking garage last night. The university has a policy which clearly prohibits...
Virus Washington Memorial Day

It’s a Privilege to Serve a Nation That Honors its Veterans

By Mark Oliva It is a privilege to grow old. That might sound counterintuitive to a culture that celebrates youth and the possibilities of new beginnings. This Veterans Day, though, we take a moment to...
gun in chicken transportation security administration

TSA Finds Gun Hidden Inside Florida Woman’s Chicken

The chickens came home to roost for one traveler who hatched the “greasy” idea of packing a firearm inside a raw hen for their flight out of Florida. On Monday afternoon, the Transportation Security Administration...