Joe Biden Angry

Biden Administration Supporting States’ Attempts to Get Around and Repeal the PLCAA, Sue Gun...

The Biden administration is zeroing in on repealing the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) and White House officials are enlisting help from antigun state lawmakers to do it. The White House released...
Indiana Mall Shooting

The Indiana Mall Shooting Proves You Can’t Rely On Luck and a Gun

If you look at the word "disaster," there are clues about what the word means to us. The beginning part, "dis-" is a Latin root for "bad" or "negative". The "aster" part means "star"....
california gavin newsom

Why Is California Governor Gavin Newsom Messing With Texas?

We've been seeing some unusual behavior from California Governor Gavin Newsom recently. Normally, if you're running for re-election, you'd focus your advertising and media production dollars on the state where the election will be...
Senator Elizabeth Warren angry

Democrat Senators OUTRAGED They Can’t Block Legal Firearm Exports

If you didn’t watch the U.S. Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee hearing on Advancing National Security and Foreign Policy Through Export Controls: Oversight of the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS), no...
New York Governor Kathy Hochul

NY Governor Kathy Hochul Could Learn Something Important From the Indiana Mall Shooting. But...

The recent heroics of an Indiana man to neutralize a murderer in a mall shows the folly of New York’s new law restricting where law-abiding citizens can legally carry a firearm with a state-issued...
Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt

Pound Sand: Missouri Tells FBI It Won’t Hand Over Concealed Carry Permit Holders’ Information

Over the past several years, states have become more and more comfortable exercising their power to tell the federal government “no.” Under the Trump Administration, these refusals to cooperate often took the form of...
Jerrold Nadler

House Democrats Pledge to Ban Guns In Common Use by Law-Abiding Americans

House Democrats, led by Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), are forging ahead with a so-called assault weapons ban even though it’s not clear that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has the...
Rep. David Cicilline

The Dumbest $h!t We Heard During the House’s ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Hearing

As was pre-ordained, the House Judiciary Committee passed HR 1808 on to the full House of Representatives yesterday. The bill moved on after a party-line vote which was preceded by some of the most...

HWFO: The Only Way to Reduce Mass Shootings Is for More Eli Dickens to...

HWFO has discussed at length how media organizations such as Vox and CNN make millions of dollars by pushing freakoutery for clicks, and how their rampage shooting coverage approach increases the incidence of rampage shootings by...
shut up cartoon

Shut Up, They Explained: Gun Control Groups Conduct Coordinated Campaign to Limit the Gun...

From the National Shooting Sports Foundation . . . NSSF, the firearm industry trade association, defended the First Amendment rights of firearm manufacturers in a letter to the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) Bureau of Consumer Protection...
Indiana Mall Shooting

Why Does an Armed Citizen Stopping a Mass Shooter Upset So Many People?

What happened yesterday at the Greenwood Park Mall in suburban Indianapolis was every gun control advocate's worst nightmare. No, we're not talking about the obvious horror of a crazed wacko walking into a mall...
biden dettelbach

Dettelbach’s Confirmation Will Hasten the Neutering of the ATF

With last week's confirmation of Steve Dettelbach to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, gun control advocates and other nanny-staters are celebrating the agency's first confirmed director since 2015. But what...