Phil Murphy

Bruen’s Aftermath: The Shall Issue Way Forward as the Blue States Strike Back

By Peter B. Elias and Theresa Inacker The Supreme Court of the United States recently released some landmark rulings in its just-concluded session. For those of us who live in states that systematically violate the...

Gun Rights Orgs Prepare Fresh Lawsuits to Counter New York’s Defiant New Concealed Carry...

It seems safe to say that the state of New York isn't taking its decisive defeat in the Supreme Court particularly well. After the Court slapped down New York's plainly unconstitutional restrictions on who...
Woman concealed carry gun in purse

The Bruen Decision is Already Making New York City Liberals Feel Safer Knowing They...

The reality is that in addition to preventing abusers from owning guns, we must empower vulnerable citizens to protect themselves. For law-abiding New Yorkers, there is currently no swift and easy way to protect yourself...
Wild West shootout gunfight gun fight

Atlas: Today’s American Gun Culture is a Result of Mythologizing and Marketing the Old...

By Pierre M. Atlas, Indiana University In the wake of the Buffalo and Uvalde mass shootings, 70% of Republicans said it is more important to protect gun rights than to control gun violence, while 92%...
gun store

Fear the Wave: A Million Americans Have Switched Parties and a Lot of Them...

The firearm industry isn’t surprised and the trend is ongoing. Progressive soft-on-crime policies and gun control pushes are leaving Americans feeling unsafe. Millions are making a change and they’re embracing the Second Amendment. It’s another...
Stacey Abrams

‘Real’ Governor Stacey Abrams Wants Georgia to Get Behind Her Gun Control Agenda…Good Luck...

Georgia Democratic candidate for governor Stacey Abrams is rolling out a gun control plan that includes restricting gun rights. It’s a gambit she believes state Republicans are ready to get behind. Abrams wants to reverse course on...
School Shooting Florida nikolas cruz

Woke Politics and Bad Federal Polices That Created a War on Families Have Led...

By Richard Fulmer Too many of our nation’s young men use guns for evil. One knee-jerk response is to restrict gun ownership. But this solution ignores the most important question: What drives these young men...
Rob Bonta Gun Control California

Intimidation: California AG Posted the Names, Personal Info of Carry Permit Holders After Bruen...

By Lee Williams On Monday, California Attorney General Rob Bonta posted the names and addresses of concealed-carry permit holders on a California Department of Justice website. At least for a time. In a press release, Bonta...
Supreme Court

Bruen Ruling Puts Gun Control Laws Based on Lower Courts’ Interest-Balancing Rationales in Real...

The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen did more than strike New York’s “may issue” subjective concealed carry permitting scheme. The ruling also told lower courts that attempting...
Ibram X. Kendi

Kendi’s Claim That the 2nd Amendment is Racist Ignores Facts, History, and Reality

If Boston University professor and anti-racist activist Ibram X. Kendi is to be believed, millions of new first-time African American gun owners support slavery. That includes huge numbers of African American women, the fastest...
democrats gun control

The Effects of the Bruen Decision Don’t Stop at Shall-Issue Carry Permits…Not Even Close

By Rob Morse Laws can be interpreted many ways. We seek guidance from the courts to know what is legal and what is not. The US Supreme Court has largely ignored the right to bear...
flag gun bullets P365

How the Cornyn-Murphy Gun Control Law Will Harm Mental Health in America

By Hannah Cox Last week, Congress passed and President Biden signed into law a bipartisan gun control package supporters have labeled a “compromise” bill. The gun control package includes several items: Incentives for states to pass...