gun store sales counter AR-15 customer

Narrative Fail: Poll Finds Public Support For An ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban At An All-Time...

From the Second Amendment Foundation Amid the renewed clamor by anti-gunners for a ban on so-called “assault weapons,” the Second Amendment Foundation today pointed to a new Quinnipiac University poll showing public support for such...
Gun Controllers' Wish List

The Senate Deal is Just a Start: Here’s What’s Still on Gun Controllers’ Wish...

The bipartisan group of Senators who have been “negotiating” our rights is all the talk right now. “Negotiating” is in quotations because only one side is giving anything up here, as usual. TTAG’s Jennifer...
John Cornyn

Cornyn Proves Senate Republicans Didn’t Negotiate, They’re Giving Our Rights Away For Nothing

Following the weekend announcement of a compromise framework for a gun control deal in the Senate, Texas Senator John Cornyn apparently felt the need to address angry constituents who aren't nearly as enthusiastic as...
mostly peaceful riot burning violence protest

Mass Shooters Are Fueled by the Hatred and Division Sewn by the Politics of...

By Miguel A. Faria, Jr, MD We could say that all mass shootings are inspired by hatred, but many are carried out by deranged individuals, susceptible to violence and possessing no clear and distinct political...
Shelter Hope Pet Shop

California Shelter: You Can’t Adopt a Pet Unless You Support More Gun Control Laws

By Patrick Carroll An animal shelter in California recently announced they will no longer be doing business with anyone who is against gun control. The organization, called Shelter Hope Pet Shop, is located in Thousand...
new gun owner training class teacher school armed

Are Armed Teachers Outperforming School Resource Officers?

In the current push for more gun control in America, lots of old "data" is being tossed around. Some of it is good information, and much of it is either altogether fake or taken...
Nancy Pelosi gun control

Nancy Pelosi’s House of Bread and Circuses

The U.S. House of Representatives is controlled by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). She’s constantly being pushed further and further to the Left by progressive and anti-gun members of her caucus who are not interested...
Nancy Pelosi Washington Congress Gun Control

U.S. House Gun Control Kabuki Exposes Liberals’ Privilege

On Wednesday, the U.S. House of Representatives voted on a raft of gun control proposals, narrowly passing them all, mostly along party lines. Anyone with any knowledge of the U.S. political system knows that...
2nd amendment is my gun permit constitutional carry

Why Public Officials Should Never Be Able to Decide Who Gets a Concealed Carry...

Last week, a candidate for Sheriff in San Diego made some controversial comments about the bathrooms transgender people use. The ensuing media coverage and social media discussion, as well as statements by public officials,...
Virginia gun owner militia open carry

Never Forget the True Intent of the Second Amendment (Spoiler Alert – It Isn’t...

By Brandon Williamson The founders didn’t know we’d have guns like AR15s. The Second Amendment is about the militia. Weapons of war have no place in civilian hands. These and other arguments from the left are often used...
assault weapon rifle ar-15

Don’t Tell Joe: A Federal Government Study Showed 1994 ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Didn’t Reduce...

By Jonathan Miltimore Do something. This is a response—and perhaps a natural one—to a human tragedy or crisis. We saw this response in the wake of 9/11. We saw it during the Covid-19 pandemic. And we’re...
San Francisco Kate Steinle Shooting

Kate Steinle’s Killer Sentenced to Time Served in San Francisco

From the AP . . . A California federal judge on Monday sentenced the Mexican man acquitted of murder in the 2015 shooting death of a woman on a San Francisco pier to the seven...