Gavin Newsom

Dare to Dream: What if Politicians Could Be Sued for the Harm Caused By...

California politicians are abusing their legislative authority to draft political reprisal bills. Left coast lawmakers want to pass a law allowing the state’s attorney general, city or county attorneys, or anyone regardless of whether...
Eric Swalwell

Eric Swalwell Deploys More Lies About the Lies He’s Been Telling About Gun Control...

By Larry Keane A repeated ploy of the gun control movement is to loudly proclaim law-abiding Second Amendment supporters are using “scare tactics” while opposing proposed gun control. U.S. Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.), the “Honey Pot...
twitter app phone computer

Elon Musk’s Acquisition of Twitter Is a Good Thing for Gun Owners….Probably

  By Lee Williams Gun owners have never had a level playing field on Twitter or any other social media platform. It seemed like someone was looking over your shoulder – and someone always was. Anyone who...

You Make the Call: Is Maryland’s AG Ignorant or Dishonest on ‘Assault Weapons’?

By Rob Morse Maryland's Attorney General Brian Frosh filed a recent amicus brief with the US Supreme Court justifying the state's ban of modern sporting rifles because those weapons have sometimes been used to commit...
Santa Rosa County Sheriff Bob Johnson

Florida County Sheriff: Residents are More Than Welcome to Shoot Home Invaders

Police arrested Brandon J. Harris, 32, who was arrested after allegedly breaking into several homes in Pace, Florida, and was stopped by a homeowner who fired multiple gunshots at him, according to the Pensacola...

The Army’s Next Generation XM5 Rifle Shows The Importance Of A Strong Civilian Gun...

When I was watching the press briefing that announced the Army's new XM5 rifle, there was one big thing that stood out to me: our role in making it happen. And by "our" I...
Joe Biden

Congress to Biden: It’s the Crime, Stupid

Frustration with President Joe Biden’s “stuck-on-repeat” gun control focus that lets criminals run rampant is boiling over in Congress. Republican leaders in both the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives are telling The...

The XM5 and 6.8×51 Ammunition Will Be a Decisive Advantage. U.S. Allies Should Adopt...

In yesterday's press conference announcing SIG SAUER's victory in the Next Generation Squad Weapon competition, Army officials said America's likely future adversaries were a key factor in the final choice. The XM5 (a variant...

Meet Michael Bloomberg, the ‘Modern Day Paul Revere of Gun Violence’

There was a sense of Back to the Future in New York City when current Democratic Mayor Eric Adams was joined by former Mayor Michael Bloomberg for an announcement. Bloomberg, of course, is the failed...
Gavin Newsom

Anti-Gun Politicians Lie About Violent Crime Because Telling the Truth Is Politically Costly

By Rob Morse Last month, a man murdered his three daughters, ages 9, 10 and 13 in Sacramento, California. He also murdered the court-ordered chaperone who was supervising their visit. The murderer then shot himself....

After Arming Terrorists in Afghanistan, Biden Moves to Disarm Law-Abiding Americans

By Lee Williams Among the $80 billion worth of high-tech weaponry Joe Biden gifted to the Taliban after his inept and deadly Afghanistan withdraw were 176 artillery pieces, 64,363 belt-fed machine guns, 126,295 handguns and...

When Doctors and Data Reveal That the Focus Should Be On People, Not Guns

By Robert B. Young, MD Too often we still hear that guns are the problem. For example, esteemed Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s Tweet (“light footing” it around her responsibility for Chicago’s safe streets): “We have a common...