Johns Hopkins Adds An Anti-Gun Advocacy Operation to Its Gun Control ‘Research’ Portfolio

The line between non-biased data-based research and agenda-driven advocacy is getting blurrier. A new announcement from a renowned research university in Baltimore, Maryland, is continuing the trend. The Johns Hopkins University announced a new partnership...
New York Subway Shooting

The Brooklyn Subway Attack Just Unraveled the Gun Control Argument Presented in NYSRPA v....

The attack that occurred in New York City subway yesterday is proof positive that gun control, as envisioned by the Gun Control Industry and like-minded politicians, simply does not work. Honest, hard-working people were...
Biden ghost guns

ATF Based Its Crackdown on ‘Ghost Guns’ on Data It Knew Was Faulty

By Lee Williams Joe Biden repeated some of his most discredited lies about the Second Amendment Monday during a press conference held in the Rose Garden – deer in Kevlar vests, fictitious prohibitions on the...
Joe Biden angry speech

Joe Biden Just Can’t Stop Lying About Firearms, the Second Amendment, and Gun Control

From the CCRKBA . . . Once again during his remarks about the newest attempt to restrict gun rights, President Joe Biden repeated his already-discredited claim that the Second Amendment historically prevented certain people from...
Darrell Steinberg Sacramento Mass Shooting Vigil

California Releases Violent Criminals From Its Jails, Then Blames Guns For Their Crimes

From the CCRKBA . . . The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today said revelations that one of two suspects being held in connection with the deadly mass shooting in...
Steven Steve M. Dettelbach

Who is Steven Dettelbach, the Man Biden is Reportedly Considering to Head the ATF?

By Lee Williams Joe Biden is considering nominating another staunch anti-gunner to head the ATF, according to POLITICO, even though millions of angry American gun owners helped scuttle Biden’s first choice, David Chipman, because of...
Sacramento gang mass shooting

Shocker: Sacramento Shooting Was A Gunfight Involving At Least 5 Warring Gang Members

By Adam Beam and Brian Melley, AP The mass killing that left six people dead and 12 wounded outside bars just blocks from California’s Capitol last weekend was a gunfight involving at least five shooters from rival...
Joe Biden

CCRKBA Biden Needs to Reload His Brain Before He Shoots Off His Mouth

From the CCRKBA . . . The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today blasted President Joe Biden for shamelessly exploiting the tragic mass killing in Sacramento to further his gun...

Time to Face Reality in California: It’s the Crime, Not the Guns

By Joe Bartozzi The senseless homicides of six in Sacramento are tragic. It is a shocking and sober reminder that criminals have no respect for the law or for human life. That’s why it's appalling that...
Joe Biden

Biden’s Budget is Another Sop to Gun Control Groups That Will Never be Satisfied

President Joe Biden is caught on the horns of a dilemma. He’s attempting to placate a stubborn and loud national gun control movement that buoyed his presidential campaign and that continues to yell “Do more!”...

News Flash: Women are Behind Much of the Growth In Gun Ownership and the...

March is Women’s History Month and there’s no better opportunity to celebrate the contributions American women make to the firearm and ammunition industry – past, present and future. From the early days of Annie Oakley...