NSSF: Biden’s Supreme Court Nominee And The Firearm Industry

By Larry Keane from the NSSF . . . President Joe Biden’s nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to replace retiring Justice Stephen Breyer gives him his first chance to put a lasting stamp on...
Crime scene

NICJR Study Proves Politicians, Law Enforcement Should be Targeting Criminals, Not Guns

By Larry Keane A new study from the National Institute for Criminal Justice Reform revealed who is driving the vast majority of criminal firearm misuse in the Nation’s Capital. Go figure it’s a small number of lawbreakers...

Gun Control Law Fail: Restraining Order Failed to Keep David Mora-Rojas From Murdering His...

By Kathleen Ronayne and Stefanie Dazio, AP A man who was under a restraining order and not supposed to have a gun fatally shot his three daughters, a chaperone and himself during a supervised visit...
Ukraine citizen rifle gun firearm weapon AK

Ukraine: Arming Civilians Proves Public Trust Is Essential To Defense and Preparedness

In another recent article, I pointed out that arming civilians at the last minute to fight an existential threat isn't the best plan for success. If you really want to have armed civilians be...
Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson

Biden’s High Court Nominee’s Experience Should Motivate Her Defense of All Constitutional Rights

From the Firearms Policy Coalition . . . Following President Biden’s announcement nominating Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the U.S. Supreme Court, the Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) released the following statement: As we’ve said before, the...
Ukraine The Resistance

DON’T WAIT UNTIL IT’S TOO LATE: Buy Guns, Prepare & Get Trained To Defend...

Some folks think bad things will never happen in their city or neighborhood. When they see news of violent crime, for the most part, they perceive that it always happens to someone else. It's...
Ukraine Russia invasion civilian rifle gun

Ukraine and The Left Suddenly Embrace Civilian Gun Rights

Sometimes you just have to go out and look at the stars. Sure, you could do that to relax, but right now we need to give the heavens a quick check to see if...
Ukrain Ukrainian resistance Russia Russian Invasion

SAF Urges Support for Zbroya, the Ukrainian Gun Owners Association

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . . “The whole world is watching, but gun owners around the world can actually be helping,” said Alan Gottlieb, founder and executive vice president of the Second Amendment...
Ukraine Invasion guns citizens

Ukraine Grants Citizens the Right to Bear Arms…A Little Too Late

By Jonathan Miltimore Russian soldiers flooded into Ukraine Thursday under orders from President Vladimir Putin, threatening to obliterate a peace that has existed on the European continent for more than 75 years. News reports say cities...

Texas AG Sues the ATF Over Regulation of ‘Made in Texas’ Suppressors

Last year, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed into law a bill that says suppressors that are built, owned, and used within the state are not subject to federal regulation under the National Firearms Act....
Guns Government Contracts

Arizona House Passes Bill Banning State From Contracting With Firms That Discriminate Against Gun...

From the AP . . . The Arizona House voted Wednesday to penalize businesses that refuse to do business with firearms companies by barring them from state contracts. The proposal that passed with only support from...
Merrick Garland

Nullification vs. Anti-Commandeering: The DOJ Challenge to Missouri’s Second Amendment Preservation Act

The controversy over Missouri’s Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA) has now gone national, with the Department of Justice suing the state in federal court to block enforcement of the law. A separate challenge brought...