George Soros

Soros Backing State Attorneys General Working to Support Mexico’s Attempt to Bankrupt the US...

By Larry Keane It should raise eyebrows when 14 state attorneys general side with a foreign nation trying to sue U.S. gun manufacturers out of business. After all, these are individuals sworn to defend the...
Joe Biden

The Civilian Disarmament Industry Wants Biden to Create a Ministry of Gun Violence

Because nothing solves a problem more quickly or efficiently than erecting a federal bureaucracy around it. Bonus: It's a great way to funnel federal taxpayer dollars to "gun safety" orgs, researchers, "violence interruptors" and...

The Anti-Gun Left Never Lets History Get in the Way of Its Narrative

By Miguel A. Faria, Jr MD Like it or not -- and many on the leftward side of the political spectrum don't -- firearms and civilian gun ownership have been part of our history and...

Florida Rep. Michelle Salzman Threatens GOP Hispanic Group After Constitutional Carry Video Is Made...

Florida's Republican In Name Only establishment has attacked an ally of Gun Owners of America after the group lobbied a lawmaker in support of constitutional carry. The Republican National Hispanic Assembly (RNHA) of Florida...
Beto O’Rourke

Political 911: Beto’s Self-Inflicted Gun Rights Wound Still Hurts

By Larry Keane Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke made a political turnabout for the history books and likely shot himself in the foot among his key constituency. The former failed 2018 Texas Democratic U.S. Senate candidate and...
gun rights protest

How to Empower Your Fellow Americans, Not Enslave Them

Make no mistake that everything government is engaged in today, from legislation to regulation, is almost always about control, not freedom, liberty, or innovation. It’s about controlling people, not empowering them. “When I feel the...
Nikolas Cruz Parkland Shooting

The Parkland Shooting Was Proof Positive That Gun Control Doesn’t Work

The shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School was a tragic event. Particularly so in that could have been prevented. Not prevented by enacting more gun control laws. It could have been prevented by...
woman gun open carry constitution

Nebraska Politicians Need to Hear the Truth About Constitutional Carry

By Rob Morse We know a lot about people. We also know a little bit about gun owners and politicians. We run into trouble when some of what we think we know is wrong. You’d think...
Shannon Watts

Moms Demand Action’s Messaging Fail: Watts Blames Men, Pretends Women Gun Owners Don’t Exist

By Theresa Inacker Shannon Watts, founder of the Michael Bloomberg-owned Moms Demand Action anti-gun rights org, recently published an op-ed in Elle Magazine, called Research Shows Gun Violence And Misogyny Are Closely Linked. It’s Time...

Priorities: Florida Senate Passes GOP Bill Naming Strawberry Shortcake the Official State Dessert While...

State Senator Danny Burgess, chairman of the Senate's Judiciary Committee, introduced SB 1006, a crucial bill that would name strawberry shortcake as the official state dessert of Florida. Never mind that literally no one...
GOA florida capitol rally Tallahassee

A Who’s Who In Florida’s Fight for Constitutional Carry

I write this today not solely as Gun Owner of America's Florida State Director, I write this as a Floridian who is invested in promoting and advancing freedom and liberty for all. This is the...
Ukraine Russia invasion

The Lesson of Ukraine: Never Trust Anyone’s Assurances of Safety in Exchange for Disarmament

A couple days ago, I came across a Twitter thread that sheds a lot of light on the current situation in Ukraine. The thread's goal was to explain why calls for negotiations with Russia...