police crime scene body

Over 80% Of Americans Say Gun Control Laws Did Nothing to Reduce Crime or...

By Larry Keane Gun control groups worked for decades to impose Second Amendment restrictions that do little to reduce crime. They’ve used public relations campaigns, scare tactics and rhetoric that never addresses those actually committing...

NFTs: Much More Than Pretty Pictures

This is the second of a five-part series on cryptocurrencies as well as their uses benefits for the Second Amendment community. Read part one here.  By Rob McNealy Non-fungible tokens -- NFTs for short -- are...
gun store sales

For the Gun Control Industry and Their Backers, 2021 Was a Terrible, Horrible, No...

By Larry Keane National groups began the year with the high hopes of further restricting the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans. To them, it wasn’t about God-given rights enshrined in the Constitution or even about personal and...
Gun Show

USA Today ‘Extremism’ Beat: How Second Amendment Supporters Become Nazis (Allegedly)

By Lee Williams USA Today’s “extremism” reporter Will Carless has extremists on the brain. He’s written about extremist cops, extremist podcasts, extremist militia groups, extremist videos, extremist Facebook groups and now, extremist gun show recruiters. Before...
Crypto cryptocurrency

Guns and Crypto: No, It Isn’t the Mark of the Beast

This is the first of a five-part series on cryptocurrencies as well as their uses benefits for the Second Amendment community. Read part two here.  By Rob McNealy When shuffling between gun show tables full of...
Joe Biden

As Biden Approval on Crime and Law Enforcement Continue to Plummet, Americans Continue to...

From the CCRKBA . . . A new Rasmussen poll showing President Joe Biden has lost ground among likely U.S. voters for his handling of crime and law enforcement issues helps explain the continued interest...
votevets astroturf democrats bloomberg gun control progressives

VoteVets ‘Veterans’ Org Funded by Democrats and Bloomberg to Push Gun Control, Progressive Candidates

by Lee Williams VoteVets is a hybrid political action group that operates as both a PAC and a Super PAC by donating money directly to political campaigns, and by raising and spending unlimited amounts of...
gun store sale

Polls Show More Hispanics Turning Their Backs on Gun Control, Civilian Disarmament Advocates

By Larry Keane An Axios/Ipsos poll showed Hispanic swing voters are concerned about crime, criminal violence and personal safety. That finding wasn’t a surprise to NSSF. Hispanic-Americans, along with nearly every other demographic group, are embracing their...
founding fathers revolutionary war guns

Keep Your Dreams of Gun Control Out of the Mouths of our Founding Fathers

By Cody Wisniewski Amid rambling incoherence, USA Today columnist Carli Pierson tries to blame “people like Rep. Lauren Boebert” for “the gun violence and trauma we are constantly cycling through as a nation.” It’s an...
gun lock locked pistol

Are You Traveling With Your Gun This Holiday Season? Here’s How To Do It...

By Larry Keane The American Automobile Association (AAA) estimates more than 110 million Americans are traveling this holiday season to visit family and friends. That’s not a record high but is significantly above last year’s numbers –...

Newsweek Sounds the Alarm Over an Impending Coup by Power-Mad Armed Republicans

By Lee Williams There is fearmongering, and then there is Newsweek-level fearmongering. The once-respected news magazine – which a former reporter recently described as “a painful embarrassment to anyone who toiled there in its golden age,”...
Waukesha Christmas Parade SUV

The Right to Armed Self Defense in an Age of Permissive, Revolving Door Justice

By Miguel Faria, Jr., MD Darrell Brooks, the 39-year-old criminal who plowed through a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin, had been arrested on November 2, 2021 for assaulting and running over the mother of his...