happy elephant bronx zoo

Insane ‘Animal Rights’ Group Still Suing to Establish ‘Personhood’ for Zoo Animals

By Larry Keane Thanksgiving next year could look completely different if the Nonhuman Rights Project Inc., an animal rights group, gets its way in a case pending before the New York’s Court of Appeals in...

Ford Should Be Thankful They’re Not a Gun Maker

If Ford were a gun company, our betters in politics and the legacy media would be wringing their hands calling for accountability and liability right now. Against all rational thinking, they'd be shrieking on...
hands over ears Red,Faced,Covering,The,Ears.

Gun Control Is A Political Loser, But Gun Grabbers Just Can’t Help Themselves

Two major polls came out this past week that show decreasing support for gun control among the American public. Quinnipiac reports that 49 percent of Americans oppose more restrictive gun laws, with only 45...

Gun Rights Opponents Impotently Vent Their Outrage After the Rittenhouse Verdict

By Larry Keane Gun control groups have gone apoplectic over the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha, Wis. Looking at their statements, social media and reactions, gun control is no longer just gun control. Gun...
Gun Save Life youth kids nra camp

Sorry Gun-Grabbers, Statistics Show Children Are Safe in Homes With Firearms

By Dr. Gary Mauser Can firearms be kept safely in homes with young children? Yes, with proper precautions. Millions of North Americans have guns at home and do so safely. Around one-half of homes in the US possess...
gun range training

Politics, Pandemic, and Crime Have Convinced Americans Gun Rights are More Important Than Ever

By Larry Keane New polling confirms Americans are increasingly rejecting gun control calls amidst circumstances that have left them feeling exposed to danger and unsafe in their communities. Americans, by the millions, have turned those...
Cori Bush

The Rittenhouse Verdict Has Provoked Trump-Level Insanity on the Left

By Lee Williams Just seconds after a Kenosha jury of five men and seven women found that Kyle Rittenhouse used his AR as it was intended, for self-defense, the anti-gun zealots went bonkers – crying,...

5 Dead, 40 Injured in Waukesha Parade Attack, Suspect in Custody

By Scott Bauer and Mike Householder, AP A joyous scene of marching bands and children dancing in Santa hats and waving pompoms turned deadly in an instant, as an SUV sped through barricades and into...
NSA Data Center Utah

Big Data: Why the Government Doesn’t Need a Gun Registry Any More

  By Christian Greiner I am an Internet marketer by trade and in my industry it’s the companies with the most data that stand to make the most money. At my disposal I have over 200...
Beto O'Rourke gun confiscation ar-15

Tedious: Gun Banner ‘Beto’ O’Rourke Stumbles Into the Race for Texas Governor

By Larry Keane Some people in politics just can’t take the message from voters. Failed U.S. Senate candidate and failed Democratic presidential candidate Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke is sitting at 0-2 down in the count...
Lightburst, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Sun Tzu And The Art of Staying Out Of Trouble During Unrest

As we await the verdict in Kyle Rittenhouse's trial, now's a great time to reflect on the absolute awful experience a murder trial is for anyone. The old gun board saying goes, "Better to...
Joe Biden

Collusion: Biden Wants to Ensure Positive Coverage by Paying Mainstream Media Journalists

By Lee Williams Joe Biden has found a way to guarantee positive news stories from legacy media reporters. He wants to help pay their salaries, despite the ethical questions this would raise. Gun owners and anyone...