Lori Lightfoot Kim Foxx

Mayor Lightfoot and Prosecutor Foxx Shift Blame While Chicago’s Violent Crime and Chaos Spiral

By Larry Keane Insanity is repeating the same failing action but expecting success. Chicago Democratic Mayor Lori Lightfoot is facing a perpetual crime problem and she continues to eliminate law enforcement positions and blame others. The...
Smith & Wesson factory

Smith & Wesson’s Decision to Move to Tennessee is Just Good Business

  By Larry Keane The decision to move a flagship manufacturer isn’t easy. It’s also not hard when legislators target an industry for destruction. That’s the case with Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc., which recently announced it...

Off-Year Elections in Virginia, New Jersey May Give a Hint of Public’s Growing Gun...

  By Larry Keane The 2022 federal Congressional elections are 13 months away. Professional prognosticators and history will say Republicans supportive of Second Amendment rights will take back the U.S. House of Representatives from antigun Democrats....
ATF headquarters washington, DC

Biden Owes the American People and the ATF a Qualified Director Nominee

By Joe Bartozzi The dust has settled on President Joe Biden’s decision to withdraw David Chipman’s nomination for Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). That’s got many, especially within the...
Internal Revenue Service IRS

Biden’s Plan for the IRS Should Scare the Hell Out of Gun Owners

By Larry Keane The Biden administration’s plan to fund a multitrillion-dollar spending plan includes having the IRS snoop into every American’s bank account to examine transactions that are $600 or greater. This alarming proposal has...
gun store sales

FBI Crime Stats Show Criminals Turned Millions of Law-Abiding Citizens Into New Gun Owners

By Larry Keane The FBI released the Uniform Crime Report which showed an abrupt rise in crime. It was hardly startling to those reading or watching the news. The report showed a 29 percent jump in murders...
Biden Gangster

Chipman Says His Nomination Was a ‘Gangster Move’ By the White House…Now Feels Abandoned

By Lee Williams During his confirmation process for ATF director, David Chipman said very little publicly – even turning his Twitter account to private. Now that the White House has withdrawn his nomination, Chipman can’t...
shooting robbery crime scene

Emboldened Criminals, Pandemic Stress, and a Police Legitimacy Crisis Created the 2020 Homicide Spike

By Justin Nix, University of Nebraska Omaha Homicides in the U.S. spiked by almost 30% in 2020. That was the main takeaway from figures released on Sept. 27, 2021, by the FBI that showed almost uniform...
Levi strauss gun control shannon watts

Levi Strauss Blames Lawful Gun Owners for ‘Gun Violence’ in Communities of Color

  By Larry Keane There once was a day when a pair of jeans just felt good to put on. There was no pretense. No drama. Just a good fit for hard work or a casual...
father son hunting rifle teach

A New Father Dreams of the Hunts to Come With His Son

By Matt Manda As a brand-new father, to say I’m excited about it would be like saying Tom Brady has won some football games. A proud dad to a three-week old son, I can’t wait...
child baby cry crying

The Gun Control Industry and the Media Can’t (or Won’t) Seem to Stomach the...

  By Larry Keane The truth is sometimes a bitter pill to swallow. That’s become apparent after several media outlets examined why David Chipman couldn’t gain support in the U.S. Senate to be confirmed as Director...
atlanta cnn riot

The Media Make It Clear The Problem Isn’t The Guns, It’s You

By Larry Keane CNN’s not even pretending to hide their antigun bias these days. Two reports over the weekend painted gun owners as a scourge on America while at the same time giving criminals –...