Hoosiers Get Home Essentials: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

John, a "retired doorkicker" from the free state of Indiana, offers his "Get Home Essentials" stuff.  Courtesy of the good folks at Everyday Carry. He writes this: Not seen in my get home bag are my...

Big Things, Small Packages, Minimal Clutter: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Hailing from Charlotte, North Carolina, Mr. Harrison, an insurance producer keeps things simple and organized for his everyday pocket gear.  Brought to us by Everyday Carry. He shares this, summing things up better than I...

Zookeeper with Handcuffs: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Just when you thought you've seen it all, we get the Colorado Zookeeper who carries handcuffs as part of his "Everyday Carry" ensemble.  Brought to us by Everyday Carry. Yep.  Handcuffs.  We're going to need...

Colorado Home Depot Guy’s EDC: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

A Home Depot department head sends us his everyday carry ensemble today.  Most of it, at least.  Courtesy of Everyday Carry. Celeste1! says this of his submission: This is the essentials I carry every day, I...

SoCal Jack’s EDC, Including Pants: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

SoCal Jack sends everything including his pants in today's Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day.  Yes, indeed. He sums it up nicely. This is my current functional EDC; nothing fancy. The gun's mag has a...

The Photographer From Cincy: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Tony from Cincinnati sends this "The Norm" via Everyday Carry. He's a real estate and commercial photographer by trade.  His most unusual item, aside from the 500Gb Samsung SSD drive?  The OD Green Sniper's Veil. ...

Carry in Jakarta, Indonesia: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Fandy Lubis from Jakarta, Indonesia sends his very crisp and clean everyday carry ensemble, courtesy of Everyday Carry. I didn't know that Indonesia allows concealed carry until today.  Not only that, but like a lot...

BBQ EDC Colt Carry? – Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

A BBQ gun is, traditionally, a fancy gun you tote on a special occasion. Conversely, most people who carry a mohaska on a daily basis don't carry a fancy one. In this pocket dump, SLD of...

Star BM Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Welcome to "Today's EDC" from Chris.   Courtesy of Everyday Carry. Hailing from the warm weather of Florida, Chris keeps it pretty simple with his Star 9mm pistol.  He indicated he carried the Star BM 9mm. ...

Security Guy’s Cuffs and Taurus Poly-Magnum: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Today we bring you the security guard Joseph D Vilardo III's "New EDC Small Backpack" ensemble from Everyday Carry. Handcuffs.  Yes, handcuffs.  But not just any old bracelets!  These are Ace Martial Arts Supply Professional...

Los Angeles Beretta .25 Auto: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

It's my understanding that carry licenses valid in LA come few and far between.  Sort of like unobtainium.   Mr. Oscar Rodriguez, our resident imaging specialist, apparently has one or carries on the sly with...

A Gun & A Can of Spice: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the...

Premium Sport Customs from Washington State sends "My typical EDC pocket dump" via Everyday Carry. Mr. PSC writes this about his daily "stuff": These are the items that I will generally carry with me on a...