Mr. Human Resources: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Mark, a Human Resources professional, sends in his Spring EDC, courtesy Everyday Carry. He brings along an interesting ensemble, starting with the gun, a Walther PPK.  While I admire James Bond's piece for its classic...

The Aqua de Parma Cologne Spray Guy: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the...

Kyle Stevens loves his Trident gum and Aqua de Parma cologne spray as part of his "Some Days EDC" brought to us by Everyday Carry. Clearly, Kyle must live the bachelor life. I mean, who...

The Georgia Entrepreneur’s Ensemble: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Mark, an entrepreneur from Georgia sends his "My Everyday Carry" to us, thanks to Everyday Carry. We have to give him credit:  he keeps things simple.  Sans a holster, he's probably stuffing that SIG P365...

A Denver Gun Seller’s EDC: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Welcome to M Bear's Firearm Retail EDC 1.0 from Everyday Carry. So, M Bear works firearm retail in Denver.  He writes: You can fit a lot in cargo pants with a sturdy belt. The pistol is...

A Florida Pirate’s Spartan Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

EDFX, a self-described pirate from Florida, sends in his Spartan March 2019 everyday emsemble, courtesy Everyday Carry. Yes, another person who doesn't need any keys.  Or in this case, a smart phone.  Or, for that...

Utah Same Ol’ Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

C from Utah shares his "Same Ol" outfit, via Everyday Carry. A S&W Shield in a IWB holster (anyone recognize a brand?) He also has a Kershaw Skyline blade, a Fischer Space Pen attached to his...

Police Detective Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Detective Frank from the Buckeye State brings us his 2019 Everyday Carry, via the peeps at Everyday Carry. He describes it as his off-duty, on-body carry for the current year.   Among his stuff, a Zero...

Driver / Security Guard From Massachusetts EDC: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the...

DM978 from Massachusetts submits his "Staying safe and prepared out there" ensemble at Everyday Carry. Color me impressed.  A guy who has a carry license in Massachusetts!  I've only seen one of those in real...

An Environmental Consultant’s Shield: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Being an environmental consultant in the Sunshine State can bring you into contact with all manner of dangerous critters. Those on four legs, two legs and even no legs. Which is why ZM carries a...

Data Monkey’s ‘Saturday Carry’: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Scot from California's state capital city shares his Saturday Morning carry via Everyday Carry. Frankly, I admire Californians who can navigate that state's concealed carry application process and actually obtain a carry license.  Which is...

The Cattle Farmer Electrician EDC: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

DB, a cattle farming electrician from the Lone Star State brings us his "Sunday Carry" via Everyday Carry. I am not sure how his "Sunday Carry" varies from his weekday carry.  But the important thing: ...

NY Cop’s Functional, but Minimal EDC: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

A New York cop named Charles submits his Functional, but Minimal ensemble for review at Everyday Carry. Minimal is right.  GLOCK 19, Benchmade Infidel automatic knife, a nice little Olight flashlight (man, those are popular!)...