Serpa Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

This one comes from a guy giving his name using a Latin phrase - nonquam non paratus - which roughly translates to "never unprepared." He says, "I had a request for a photo of...

Weapon-Mounted Light on a Glock: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

A GLOCK 19 with an Inforce APLc weapon-mounted light is the focal point of this pocket dump. Lights are a bit of a hot debate topic when it comes to weapon-mounted versus handheld, so,...

Telescopic Self-Defense Stick Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Yes, there's a GLOCK 17 and a Spyderco knife in this EDC. More interestingly there is also a 26-inch telescopic "self-defense stick" in there as well. Now, American president Andrew Jackson did once beat...

Main Carry .380 ACP: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

This pocket dump includes a Ruger LCP and a blade. Given the recent .380 ACP debate I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on using one as your main carry. And if you do...

GLOCK 19X Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

This makes the first GLOCK 19X carry I've seen. It comes from John in Tennessee who says he's a school counselor (he also said he recently updated his EDC). He has both a weapon-mounted Olight...

Ear Buds and a GLOCK: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

This pocket dump comes to us from Jeff in Texas. His daily carry includes a GLOCK 17 and a Victorinox Swiss Champ Pocket Knife. It also includes ear buds, something I've been seeing with...

AIWB SIG P938: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Today's pocket dump comes from J.C. Leonard who says "I get asked what my local out & about carry normally consist of. This is my local around town near town carry when I'm out...

Snow Day Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

A Ruger LCP is the firearms portion of this EDC. John from South Carolina also has a Kershaw folding knife, a Gerber Crucial multi-tool, and a Nitecore light. Instead of debating the merits of .380...

DA/SA Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Michael in Florida sent in this pocket dump which includes a SIG Legion P226 and a Reate Kirby Lambert Crossroads knife. The Legion P226 is chambered in 9mm and is a DA/SA pistol. Do you...

Wilson Combat AIWB Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Today's EDC isn't a pocket dump, it's a carry shot. The gun owner who submitted this resides in Florida and states the pictured gun is a Wilson Combat Protector Professional, although he must have...

Not a Safe Queen: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

A reader who goes by the handle "Mr. Crabs" sent in this pocket dump with the accompanying explanation: "Because I feel strongly that one can be absolutely dapper and well armed, there's this combination....

Springfield XD-S Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

This pocket dump comes from Ryan in Ohio who lists his profession as law enforcement officer. It includes a Springfield XD-S, a CRKT multi-tool, and a variety of electronics. The XD-S is a concealed...