Kentucky Man’s Outdoors EDC: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Larry Jordan works from home in Kentucky.  In his mind, he says he doesn't "everyday carry" because he doesn't pack his Roscoe at home.  In fact, he calls this is "Outdoors EDC." A lot of...

His Everyday Tools: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Bryan from South Carolina shares his "Everyday Tools" with us via Everyday Carry. By the way, the good people there welcome more folks like us to submit a photo of the stuff they carry everyday. ...

Las Vegas Analyst’s Updated Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Gerald Villaflores, an information security analyst (does that mean white hat hacker?) from Las Vegas, sends his "Updated 2019" ensemble. It looks like he's running a customized GLOCK 19 in a "Tier 1" concealment rig. ...

Everyday Chaos of a Mental Health Administrator: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the...

"All of these items are highly recommended," Calhoun writes of his "Everyday Chaos" gear.  Via Everyday Carry. Calhoun's profession is mental health administrator.  We don't know if he's a 32-year-old administrator of a "One Flew...

Urban Survival, GLOCK 25 Brazilian-style: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

First off, I like that Brazil's new president (their version of Donald Trump!) has worked to liberalize that nation's laws on civilian ownership and carry.  It's about time.  After all, Mexican-style gun control leads...

Balanced Capability Near Perfection: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Daniel Maine from Virginia sends his "Balanced Capability" for today's submission from Everyday Carry. He writes: Like many folks my EDC has changed over the years to be balanced for my personal needs and lifestyle. Weight,...

Mark the HR Guy’s Turn: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

I am not sure how we get so many "Human Resources" professionals here, but we welcome the submissions from everyone.  Maybe HR is shorthand for managers, or recruiters...  or something. Today, it's Mark's turn.  He...

Texas Prosecutor’s Summertime Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Welcome to Texas!  From Everyday Carry. Have you submitted your pocket dump yet?  What's holding you back? Groove Street, a prosecutor in Texas, has.  He sends his Summertime Carry.   Even though for many parts of the...

Sheepdog John’s Saturday Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Sheepdog John sends us his Saturday Carry. He's 56-years-old, and carries just a few tools, but hits all the basics. He's got a Ruger LCP.  I won't criticize the LCP, but I will say that the...

Interesting Choices from Wisconsin: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Phil, who works in a grocery store in Wisconsin sends his Everyday Carry stuff.  Via Everyday Carry. First, why the brown belt instead of black?  So the belt clips contrast brightly if the shirt rides...

Fullbright’s Outpost Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Greetings from Fullbright Outpost in sunny Union, South Carolina.  Cocky country where everything appears just ducky.  Lord, who chose their college mascot there? Mr. Fullbright, or Sammy to friends, carries a Springfield Armory XDM9.  In...

Eddie Chaps’ Florida EDC: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

As the Democrats are on stage at the CNN debate are busy telling us how we need to throw more US troops into Syria for like, forever, we bring you Eddie Chaps' Everyday Carry...