A Working Man’s Cornucopia of Stuff: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Wow.  Ja'Neil carries a lot of stuff with him.  He's almost a portable tool box on his person! Welcome to his "EDC for a Working Man" submission to Everyday Carry. He carries not one, but two...

A Construction Supervisor’s EDC: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Will, a Mississippi-based construction supervisor sends his Everyday Carry for a Construction Supervisor.  Via Everyday Carry. He carries his GLOCK 19 in a Sin City appendix inside-the-waistband rig.  At first I thought it was a...

Big Guy’s Campus Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

So a Big Guy sent us his Campus Carry ensemble directly.  And you know what?  He's got a nice set up. Right off I noticed the CZ-P-07 pistol.  Not exactly the most common gun carried...

Brass Knuckles and a Cold Steel Espada: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the...

Spence, the IT guy with brass knuckles in his pocket, sends this EDC titled "This is it." The brass knuckles and the Cold Steel Espada knife are two we don't see very often. Throw in a...

A Very High End EDC: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Rob, a 24-year-old defense systems engineer has all the trappings of someone very successful.  I'm not sure what a defense system engineer does for a living, but clearly he's no refuse engineer.  He sends...

Property Manager from New Mexico’s EDC: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Justin from New Mexico, a property manager, sends this "DOD Contractor (not the shooter kind) typical EDC here in the Southwest." From Everyday Carry. He writes: My typical EDC here in the southwest, the staple is the...

Noir EDC: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

IT guy S.E. Moore from New England shares with us his "Noir EDC" ensemble.  From Everyday Carry. Like his mountain bike carry from a while back, he's still carrying a Shield.  Which makes sense as...

Florida Sales Guy’s EDC: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Mike, a sales guy from Florida, sends his entitled "My Everyday Carry."  To EverydayCarry.com. His choice of carry gun?  A GLOCK 26 9mm.  With a Magpul extra magazine.  He packs his little friend in an...

Simple, Functional California Defensive Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Tyler works in corrections somewhere in California. Yes, there are still millions of gun owners there, lots of them with carry permits. Tyler's pistol choice, like so many concealed carriers, is the slim, comfortable,...

A Well-Done California Licensed Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

SoCal Jack, an electrical engineer from California, sends us his "Home Carry."  Home as in when at home with the kids.  The this well-done submission comes via Everyday Carry. Jack writes this about his stuff...

Festus’ Summer Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

"Festus" - I'm betting it's not his real name - sends his "Summer 2019" carry ensemble for today's consideration. Mr. Systems Architect (is that a computer thing or an architect thing?) never leaves home without...

The Basic Army-Guy Dump: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Ohio resident Steven Johnson sends his "Basic Dump" to us via Everyday Carry. He writes: Ball cap and light change. Firearm doesn't go to work. I carry 2 extra mags because that's what police and military...