California-Style Off Duty Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day
Tyler, a zookeeper from California, sends his off-duty carry set-up, courtesy of Everyday Carry.
I'm not sure what the laws are on California thanks to that state's "may issue" carry laws (hopefully soon gutted by...
A Sunday Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day
Technical difficulties have delayed our EDC Pocket Dump of the Day. However, much to the chagrin of haters, we're back up and running. Today's "A Sunday Carry" comes from DC, a machinist in Colorado.
Gun? ...
A Blue Dump: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day
So 'Jen' goes from a suppressed .22 to a Kimber Sapphire 2.0 in 9mm? And those masculine watches. I'm starting to think Jen's really a guy.
Anyway, welcome to our Thursday edition of Everyday Carry's...
The EZ EDC: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day
John Goudey, a field supervisor from Texas, sends us his "Disaster Relief" ensemble. Courtesy of Everyday Carry.
Before I comment on it, I'll let you in on what he wrote:
Hey I’m John newer to the...
Jen’s Going Plinking with her Suppressor: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day
Jen Mioduszewski sends her "Going Plinking" submission to Everyday Carry.
She carries a more manly ensemble than the great majority of men in America today. Especially the boys who drink soy milk. After all, soy...
A Construction Worker and his Fountain Pen: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the...
Construction guy Kyle sends his daily gear for today's profiled submission to Everyday Carry.
I like his "green" GLOCK 19. All the ones I've lost to boating accidents have been boring, basic black.
It sort of...
Zac’s “My EDC 2.0”: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day
Property maintenance man Zac sends his My EDC 2.0 to us via Everyday Carry.
He keeps things simple with his GLOCK 43 (hopefully carried in a holster), a sheeple-friendly Benchmade North Fork blade and an...
A Suspicious Fisherman’s Summertime IWB Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day
Everyday Carrier is his handle and he lives in Montana. And he likes to fish - and carry a nice set of EDC gear in a load-out entitled "Summertime IWB Carry." Brought to us...
Boston Summer Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day
So JP from Boston, Massachusetts sends us his "Boston Summer Carry" for Everyday Carry's Pocket Dump of the Day for today. Massachusetts: One of the most anti-gun states in the nation. And JP's got...
John the Furniture Guy’s EDC: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day
John from Texas (God bless Texas) sends his "Everyday" line-up. Courtesy of Everyday Carry.
The first thing I noticed, aside from the Kimber Pro Carry piece in an old-school Milt Sparks Criterion rig was the...
Don’t Leave Home Without It: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day
Chris from the Volunteer State sends us his "Don't leave home without it" EDC ensemble called "A real pocket dump."
Love the J-Frame S&W Model 638 revolver. It's a versatile, capable tool in skilled hands. ...
Brody’s EDC: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day
Brody writes that he is an outfitter. So I don't know if "Brody's EDC" is an advertisement of sorts or if he just carries stuff that looks almost brand new. Either way, he has...