Illinois Governor JB Pritzker

Illinois Governor Takes a Premature Victory Lap After SCOTUS Declines to Block ‘Assault Weapons’...

Last week, the Supreme Court declined to step in and block enforcement of Illinois' "assault weapons" ban and magazine capacity limits while the full case works its way through the courts. This isn't the...

Hoplophobes’ Hopes Crushed: Homicides Down in Florida Now That Permitless Carry is Law

Florida's permitless carry law has been in effect for almost six months now. It's too early for statewide data, but I looked up a couple of cities that report their data regularly. At this...

Would You Trust Frangible Ammunition in Your EDC Gun?

Retired U.S. Army Airborne Ranger Paul Lemke founded the company now known as Inceptor Ammunition in 2012. Lemke’s goal was to create innovative frangible ammunition with a twist to differentiate their products from the...
fmj range ammunition ammo

Why Range Ammunition Is A Bad Choice For Your Self-Defense Gun

Don't use range ammo as self-defense ammo. There are a number of good reasons why it's a bad idea. Range ammunition -- meaning full metal jacket or fragmenting ammunition in center fire rifles and pistol,...
Rimfire vs. Centerfire bullets cartridges

What’s the Difference Between Rimfire and Centerfire Ammunition?

Are you a newbie when it comes to shooting? There are millions of new, first-time gun owners out there who have come to own a firearm in the last three-plus years. Are you confused...
minneapolis third precinct riots

While More Americans are Armed, Don’t Expect That to Affect the Parties’ Stances on...

By Rob Morse Our society is changing and those changes have resulted in many of us choosing to buy a firearm. We see crime rising around us. We notice that criminals are no longer routinely...

AR-15 Rifle Basics: Understanding Iron Sights

There is literally no end to the number of items that can be mounted on an AR-15 rifle in some fashion, whether it's a high-end $4,000 scope designed for extreme range shooting or a...

The Media Will Go to Any Lengths to Smear American Firearm Makers While Carrying...

There’s peril when media sets out to confirm a narrative instead of reporting facts. Whether it’s criminal violence in America perpetrated by a deranged lunatic, or by violent drug cartels in countries beyond our...

Gun-Free Zones Kill: Data Shows Armed Citizens Stop Mass Killers Most of the Time

By Rob Morse We live in a media-driven culture. We also have government agencies putting out biased reports that serve their political masters. And it's rare that the media even question those agencies' reports. That wouldn’t...
new gun owner training class teacher school armed

Politics is Downstream of Culture: Let’s Look at Single-Parent Homes and Homicide Rates

Here's a fun fact using data published recently in an article at listing states with the most single-parent households. As always, correlation is not causation. That said, not one state of the ten ranked...
FBI agent badge

Faulty Data: CPRC Finds FBI Data Wildly Understates the Number of Active Shooters Stopped...

The FBI defines active shooter incidents as those in which an individual actively kills or attempts to kill people in a populated, public area. But it does not include shootings that are deemed related to other...
Car accident wreck tow truck

Refuting the Left’s Favorite Lie: No, Guns Don’t Kill More Children Than Cars

In further evidence of Americans’ waning attention spans, the once annual ritual of gun control activists and their media lackeys manipulating CDC fatal injury data to push a misleading factoid about children and firearms...