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Game Review – Deer Hunter 3D

Full disclosure: I am not a hunter. I have never killed a deer. Not that I wouldn't. Just never had the opportunity to do it. I have been on a couple of dove hunts,...

New Wii Shooting Range World Record?


Game Review – Target Practice

If you've been to the range lately, you've probably spent time getting up close and personal (or not-so-up-close and personal) with your favorite flavor of paper target. Clip it to the holder, and run...

Game Review – iSniper 3D

You're at work. You're bored. Time for a mental health break, and you you've got a Jones to revel in your inner shooter. Time to get down and dirty with iSniper 3D, a first-person...

Game Review – Shadowland: The Sniper

But is it fun? Well, I'd give it a thumbs up, simply because it seems to be a great deal more realistic than most single-person shooters that I've played. It is a little frustrating though, simply because the bad guys don't take long to start shooting, once you've gotten through the training set. And of course, you can't beat the price. Which is a good thing, as reviewers in the iTunes store have complained that the mission is fairly short, and there's nothing to do, once you've completed the mission.

Bullets Over Biathlon
