Gun Meme of the Day: Comparison is the Thief of Joy Edition
Hey, the AK should just be happy it's getting used. Seriously though, who cleans guns? Mine all look like that.
Gun Meme of the Day: A Collection AND An Investment Edition
Diversify your investments with the RASH® technique! That's Rifles, Ammunition, Shotguns, and Handguns.
Gun Meme of the Day: Don’t Forget to Vote Edition
Tuesday's coming up quick! Grab that voter guide this weekend and figure out who your Pro 2A pols are, who your preferred school board candidates are, etc. Don't neglect those down-ballot elections, y'all!
Gun Meme of the Day: ATF Halloween 2 Edition
That's a hell of a scary costume! FPC created this one 👍.
Gun Meme of the Day: ATF Halloween 1 Edition
Hahaha this one got a good chuckle out of me.
Gun Meme of the Day: Gun Range Groupon Edition
Groupon for the gun range! I can't even imagine.
Gun Meme of the Day: Links in a Chain Edition
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. There is NOTHING wrong with spending more on your scope than your rifle.
Gun Meme of the Day: Adult Onset Hunter Edition
I think I qualify as an adult onset hunter, but I sure as sh*t hunt in jeans. And 'worse.'
For instance, there's a picture of me having brutally murdered a hog with a short barreled...