Gun Meme of the Day: If The Glove Fits Edition

If Chewbacca is a wookie, you must acquit! Watch your backs and your dogs, y'all.  

Gun Meme of the Day: Big Brain Edition

That's some big brain energy right there.  

Gun Meme of the Day: The ATF is a Meme Edition

Not even the moths are safe! ATF screws up so much they've become their own meme.  

Gun Meme of the Day: Measure Twice Edition

15.9 inches?!?!?!!? Good lord. Bye bye doggo.  

Gun Meme of the Day: Expensive Hobbies Edition

Look, dear, I mean, freedom isn't free, right? It's a hobby, but it's also an investment. And someone has to shoot back at Dark Brandon's F15s, eh?  

Gun Meme of the Day: Angry Poo Edition

I mean, he's not as angry here as he is in the upcoming Winnie the Poo horror movie (trailer below), but I get his frustration.        

Gun Meme of the Day: Another Shot at Q Edition

We got so many Q-related memes that the first time we posted one, we posted 11 all at once. This one's a little...uh...risque. Apologies if I've offended your delicate sensibilities. Happy September! (the rent...

Gun Meme of the Day: A Shot at HK Edition

MP7 would be cool. But, like, can I have mine in 9mm? LOL.    

Gun Meme of the Day: Fudd Bingo Edition

"Fudd" being an old fashioned, Elmer Fudd-like gun owner who only cares about hunting with wooden, manual action kinda long guns and doesn't think anyone needs an "assault weapon" or "high-capacity" magazine.  

Gun Meme of the Day: Adulting Responsibly Edition

Try to keep that heart guy in check this weekend. At least a little.  

Gun Meme of the Day: Only The Right Edition

Nah, it isn't them. But if you think the 2A is an actual thing you're definitely an MVE.