Gun Meme of the Day: AR vs AK Edition

Probably a coincidence?  

Gun Meme of the Day: In The Dreams of Tyrants Edition

Awww so sad, it looks like she isn't getting her way after all.  

Gun Meme of the Day: Liberty Safe Edition

As you might expect, there are hundreds of Liberty Safe memes to choose from. I carefully chose this one because it was...the first one I saw. For what it's worth, I really, really like...

Gun Meme of the Day: Yeet Edition

It's true! The Yeet Cannon is back!  

Gun Meme of the Day: Magazine Shuriken Edition

When you run out of ammo you just throw it at the enemy. If you do it right, it circles all the way around and comes back to you!  

Gun Meme of the Day: ATF Impersonator Edition

I know it says cop, but it means "ATF agent," obviously. In the original version of this meme that I saw a while ago, the kid replies with "I'm a police" instead of this...

Gun Meme of the Day: Helen Keller Edition

Welcome to my TED Talk.  

Gun Meme of the Day: Politically Incorrect Edition

That's quite the jab.  

Gun Meme of the Day: Sex Position Edition

Hahahaha nice  

Gun Meme of the Day: Nasty Angle Edition

Not an endorsement (I feel like that has to be said in this day and age), but I LOL'd for sure. Screenshot from a video.