Gun Meme of the Day: Head Start Edition

Not a bad idea!  

Gun Meme of the Day: Crafty Insurrection Edition

...If I worked at Hobby Lobby...  

Gun Meme of the Day: Caliber O’Clock Edition

I do it! Doesn't everyone? Have a great weekend, y'all.  

Gun Meme of the Day: Wuh-Oh Edition

I hate the surprise metal detector! "Oh, hey y'all, whoops, I left something in the car! I'll be right back."  

Gun Meme of the Day: Making it Worse Edition

There's always room to make things worse and you can count on a government agency to find it. The 4473 just keeps getting more convoluted. I suppose if they make it complicated enough it'll be...

Gun Meme of the Day: Brace Yourself Edition

The government: "this accessory is bad because it allows the shooter to indiscriminately 'spray' bullets." Also the government: "this accessory is bad because it allows the shooter to more accurately place bullets." It's almost as though...

Gun Meme of the Day: High Society Edition

It's true...those sporting clays clubs can get pretty damn stuffy. Have a good weekend!  

Gun Meme of the Day: RIP Frame Rule Edition

Overturned and dead as disco  

Gun Meme of the Day: Gun O’Clock Edition

I do it. Don’t we all?  

Gun Meme of the Day: Oooph Edition

Dangit. Another visit to Brownells, then. At least they're having a July 4th weekend sale!  

Gun Meme of the Day: Animal Lover Edition

Okay it's more of a hunting meme than a gun meme, but it's an important PSA nonetheless. If you're cold, they're cold. Even though that often doesn't make any sense cuz they're all furry...