Washington State Gun Sales Have Been Shut Down For 12 Days And Counting

In the United States of America, with the Second Amendment protecting our natural right to keep and bear arms, one would think that computer difficulties wouldn’t stop gun sales in an entire...

Western Australia Takes “Buybacks” To A New Low

We’ve reported multiple times over the past few years how worthless and ineffective so-called gun “buybacks” are at making any difference in violent crime rates. Of course, that doesn’t stop anti-gun city...

10th Circuit Rules Colorado Under-21 Gun Purchase Ban Constitutional

Over the past year, it seemed that young gun owners aged 18 to 20 were building some momentum in getting their Second Amendment rights recognized. In April, a Pennsylvania judge ruled that...

Memphis Residents Approve Illegal Gun Control Ballot Initiative

We reported back in late July how Memphis city officials were making an end-run around Tennessee’s firearms preemption law by trying to put a three-part gun control question on the November ballot....

Gun Groups Challenge Maryland’s “Sensitive Places” Law in Federal Court

Attorneys representing the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) and allied gun rights organizations have filed an appellants’ brief with the U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, challenging Maryland’s restrictive “sensitive places” law. The...

Why Kamala Harris Lost

I fell asleep last night watching election coverage and praying for a resounding Trump victory, waking myself several times to the sound of talking heads on the television pouring over predictions and...
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U.S. Reps Introduce Measure Targeting Gun-Specific Merchant Category Code

The controversy over a new Merchant Category Code (MCC) specifically for purchase of guns and ammunition continues to grow and is now gaining attention at the federal level. At...

Ohio City Drops Park Gun Ban Thanks To Alert Citizen

Chalk up another win for state firearms preemption laws that ban municipalities from imposing more restrictive gun laws than those set by the state. Until last week, the Canton,...

FPC Pushes Forward In Post Office Gun Ban Challenge

The Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) has filed a motion for summary judgment in its case pending before a U.S. District Court in Texas challenging the Post Office gun ban.
Joe Biden, John Kerry

How John Kerry’s Recent Attack On The 1A Also Targets The 2A

Former Obama administration Secretary of State and Biden administration “climate envoy” John Kerry’s recent anti-First Amendment rant during a World Economic Forum panel on “Green Energy” wasn’t directed at gun owners and...

11th Circuit Considering Florida’s Under-21 Long Gun Purchase Ban This Week

The lawsuit challenging Florida’s law banning gun owners aged 18 to 20 from purchasing a long gun, as is legal in most other states, is being hashed out this week.

Democrat Media Op Gone Wrong: Candidate Shoots Reporter

When candidates run for office in rural districts, they naturally want to prove they’re just like the voters they seek to represent. But things often don’t go as planned when they're just...