Cali Files Brief In One-Gun-A-Month Lawsuit

The battle over California’s law banning more than one firearm purchase in a 30-day period is heating up with state attorneys recently filing their opening brief in their appeal of the victory won in...

Does CBS News Really Not Want Guns Sold To Law-Abiding Citizens?

A CBS News report posted last week claims to do a deep dive into the trend of guns sold by police agencies ending up in the hands of criminals. And according to the report,...

Court: Biden’s “Engaged In the Business” Rule Can‘t Be Enforced Against Some Americans

A cadre of pro-gun organizations has won a major early victory over the Biden Administration’s new Final Rule redefining who is “engaged in the business” of selling firearms. The gross overstep by the Justice Department...
John Cornyn

Joint Resolution Seeks To Block Biden’s “Engaged In The Business” Rule

A joint resolution of disapproval introduced on Wednesday in the U.S. Senate seeks to block the Biden Administration’s Final Rule that outlaws  most private sales by changing the definition of who is “engaged in...

Gun Control Politicians Don’t Just Hate Guns, They Hate You

Today’s gun control politicians are making it clear. It’s not just guns they despise. There are two other primary obstacles to civil disarmament that they loathe. One is the Second Amendment itself. The other, well,...

Woke Activist Judge in Washington DC Catching Heat For Releasing Would-be Spree Killer Without...

Soft-on-crime politicians, prosecutors and judges claim they're "helping" the community by not locking up violent offenders. In reality, they're victimizing the community by returning feral monsters back onto the streets to they can do...

Dem Who Wanted Gun Insurance Mandated Now Running for State’s Insurance Commissioner Office

In a move that should surprise no one familiar with how many Democratic Party politicians operate, SAF’s Gun Mag Editor in Chief Dave Workman is reporting that Washington State Senator Patty Kuderer, who earlier...

GUN CONTROL DISARMS VICTIMS, NOT CRIMINALS: Attempted Assassination in Slovakia, Prisoner Break-out in...

Gun control disarms victims, not criminals. Two very high-profile attacks in Europe in the past 24 hours prove that point eloquently, but sadly won't change minds of gun control radicals in America or anywhere...

Happy Mother’s Day, Chicago-Style: 5 Homicides, 26 Wounded

How does Chicago celebrate Mother's Day? Sadly, it's not a joke. In a day set aside to revere mothers nationwide, Chicago's gang bangers and criminal class opt instead to deliver hot lead instead of...

Memphis Media Gets Hysterical About Glock Switches, Proves That Gun Control Can’t Survive The...

A recent news report out of Tennessee shows us that not only is media continuing to be hysterical about guns, but also that gun control continues to fail as technology outpaces the core idea...

Barely Legal Yet Positively Awesome: The M1A Scout Squad in Illinois

Thanks to the crypto currency Solana’s meteoric rise earlier this year, I could afford my own copy of the “great gun” Guns Save Life selected for our Great Guns 2024 drawing.  For those who...

Maine Democrats Fail To Override Veto On AWB Measure

An effort by anti-gun lawmakers to overturn Maine Gov. Janet Mills’ veto of the state’s “assault weapon” ban legislation has failed. On Friday, the state Senate voted 18-16 to overturn the governor’s veto of LD...