Massachusetts Gun Bill Suspends 8th Amendment Protections

The Eight Amendment to the United States Constitution includes the following words: "Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted." So how could the Massachusetts legislature...

Pennlive Op Ed: “We need gun laws within reason”

When the U.S. Supreme Court struck down Chicago's handgun ban and incorporated the Second Amendment (making it trump state law), the high court judges left the door open for gun control advocates. The majority...

Question of the Day: What’s Wrong With This Mexican Drug Lord Gun Source Stat?

The U.S. gun lobby holds Mexico hostage The Washington Post proclaims. Yada yada yada; money shot: The numbers about weapons flows to Mexico are genuinely scary. From December 2006 through this past April, the...

American Gun Violence – Response


American Gun Violence – Onision


Will This Anti-Gun Second Amendment Argument Ever Die?

A letter to the editor re: the "well-regulated militia ain't you, you stupid bastard" interpretation of the Second Amendent by one Nancy Fink. Ms. Fink is from Highland Park, which recently had its handgun ban...

CO Gubernatorial Candidate Dan Maes Weasels on Gun Rights Questionnaire

0 Click here for the questionnaire in question, from the Rocky Mountain Gun Owners. For a guy who talks about how open he is to new ideas, Maes sarcastic response to question 8 shows a...

Question of the Day: Are Gun Control Advocate Born or Made?

0 Nurture or nature? It's not the usual criteria for analyzing the pro and anti-gun side of the gun control debate. But this video got me thinking: why do some people hate guns so much?...

Maryland’s “May Issue” Gun Regulations Under the Gun

0 "We have reviewed Maryland gun laws and concluded none of them are so stringent as to violate the Second Amendment." Say sayeth Raquel Guillory, PR flack for Maryland Attorney General Douglas F. Gansler. Under...

HuffPo Ed: Open Carry Is A Threat, Not A Promise

Kate Shilling, Coalition Director of the Violence Prevention Coalition of Greater LA, reckons banning open carry wouldn't violate Californians' Constitutional rights. "Forbidding open carry does not limit your right to own or carry a...

Seattle Times Gun Control Ed: You CAN Fix Stupid

According to his Facebook page, Ralph Fascitelli is "fat and happy." I'm thinking no so much the one and definitely not the other. The co-founder of Enthrall Marketing is not at all enthralled by...

Protecting Gun Owners in Bankruptcy Act Passes U.S. House

Shouldn't that be the "Gun Owners Protecting Themselves in Bankruptcy Act"? No matter what you call it, H.R. 5827 shields bankrupts from firearms confiscation---unless it's the feds knocking on their door after a natural disaster....