U.N. Small Arms Treaty Not a Gun Grab. Still.
Everyone needs a boogyman. Sorry, bogeyman. That's doubly true for gun rights groups: the NRA et al. need a boogying bogeyman to frighten gun owners into opening their wallets. Nothing gets those donation dollars...
Uganda Peoples Defence Force Solution to Cattle Rustling: Disarmament
Reports of widespread human rights abuses are filtering out of the Karamoja sub-region of Uganda. The accusations of rape, "extra-judicial" killings and terror surround the Uganda Peoples Defence Force's (UDF) disarmament exercise. "Ultimately, what...
Richmond Times Columnist: VA CHP Owners Are “Piles of Diarrhea”
At 4:15pm this Wednesday, TTAG personal defense writer Philip Van Cleave will appear on a NBC 12 News "First at 4" "round table discussion" (a.k.a. free-for-all). The president of the Virginia Citizens Defense League will trade...
NRA Ad Blasts Kagan
I find it interesting that the Senator asks Kagan about the right to bear arms "in your own home." What about someone else's home? What about at work? Worship? A park? Walking down the...
Colbert’s Got a Gun…
The Colbert Report
Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Automatics for the People - Ilya Shapiro & Jackie Hilly<a>
Colbert Report Full Episodes
2010 Election
Fox News
Stephen Colbert weighs in with a point/counterpoint discussion of the McDonald decision.
Utah Resident Embarrassed by Out-of-State Concealed Carry Courses
Here's a letter to the editor at sltrib.com about the ongoing unease with Utah's out-of-state concealed carry license trainers.
Utah’s granting concealed carry gun permits to 100,000 non-Utah residents across the nation is now embarrassing....
Kos on the Second
The Daily Kos is one of the more prominent progressive blogs. Cognitive dissonance: a blogger named Angry Mouse penned Why liberals should love the Second Amendment on Independence Day:
Liberals can quote legal precedent, news reports,...
Daytona FL Cops to Gun Shops: Give Us The Names of S&W .40 Customers
"Daytona Beach police Chief Michael J. Chitwood sent letters to gun shops across Central Florida asking for the names, addresses and phone numbers of customers who purchased ," The Orlando Sentinel Reports. "Police think...
“There is no way in any shape or form should a 10-year-old boy have...
In the aftermath of the recent Lake District spree killing, gun-hating Britain is in the grips of . . . more gun hating. "Police have awarded a shotgun licence to a child aged just...
“I *lost* the FREE POCKET KNIFE *offer* from the NRA because of my answers...
I love the Domestic Underground. It's one of the few digital arenas where pro-gun rights and pro-gun control commentators square off for intellectual battle. As you'd expect, topics tend to devolve into pissing matches...
Download Benson Vs. Chicago Here
The National Rifle Association has joined a complaint against the City of Chicago re: Mayor Daley's new gun control laws, enacted just four days after the Supreme Court incorporated the Second Amendment right to...