Feds to Blow Your Taxes on [Another] Microstamping Study
Gun crime. Gun crime. How do we stop gun crime? Hmm . . . I know! How about we mandate that all guns come equipped with a firing pin that stamps the weapon's serial...
Liberal Responses to McDonald
Echidne of the Snakes, a very liberal blog I just ran across, responded to the McDonald decision with A Naive Post on Gun Rights And The SCOTUS. In Greek mythology, Echidna was part human,...
Son of McDonald: NRA Joins Benson vs. Chicago
We're going to have to rethink the expression "a New York minute." Four days after the Supreme Court struck down Chicago's handgun ban, Mayor Daley's mob enacted the country's toughest gun control legislation. Four...
Illinois State Senator John O. Jones Optimistic on Concealed Carry. Again. Still.
Republican State Senator John O. Jones says he's "optimistic" that Illinois will issue concealed carry permits. Eventually. Hope springs eternal for the 16-year House and Senate vet. Now that the Supreme Court's McDonald ruling has deep-sixed Chicago's...
What’s The Opposite of “Gun Normalization”?
America's Open Carry advocates are hot on "normalization." In other words, they want Americans to become more comfortable around guns. So that more law-abiding citizens can carry guns without facing ostracism and fear. So...
McDonald Backlash Continues: Knight Calls for New Assault Weapons Ban
After thrashing the Roman Army in 279-280 B.C., King Pyrrhus of Epirus complained that "one more such victory shall utterly undo us." Seems the Romans were energized by their defeats. The troops rallied and new recruits flooded their...
PA Right to Bear Arms Bus
Nice idea and all, but didn't someone tell him that the term "riding the short bus" is a pejorative expression for the mentally challenged? Just sayin' . . .
I am SO Getting a Gun Painted Like That!
The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence released its traditional "America sucks" July 4th poster. That said, it's a relief to know that guns are still killing people, rather than people. Bad guns! Bad...
Post-Heller D.C. Handgun Purchase: $500 Plus Gun and Test
For decades, southern states and local governments prevented African Americans from exercising their right to vote by requiring them to take a written test. While the exam material was sound---based on a knowledge of...
Chicago Erupts into [More] Gun Violence
The Supreme Court strikes down Chicago's handgun ban. Mayor Daley's minions enact gun control legislation that makes it damn near impossible for the average Chicago resident to own a handgun. Again. Still. Last night,...
A Minority Retort
In Fighting Crime Where the Criminals Are, NY Times Op-Ed contributor Heather Mac Donald justifies NYC's stop-and-frisk policy in a manner that reminds me of the Philip K Dick story, The Minority Report, in...
The National Rifle Association Hearts Senator Harry Reid
hotair.com posted this email from the National Rifle Association (NRA) re: Senator Harry Reid. It looks like Brad was right: the NRA is set to endorse Senator Reid's run for reelection.
Thank you for contacting...