Chicago Mayor Daley: One Gun Per Person, Insurance, No Gun Stores, Etc.

1 It appears that Richard Daley is as good as his word. The Chicago Mayor plans to unveil a package of measures tomorrow that will subvert the Supreme Court's McDonald decision. "Chicago Mayor Richard Daley...

It’s Time for Chicago Residents to Stand Up for Their Gun Rights

0 Just to be 100 percent clear; when I say that Chicagoans should "do what it takes" to protect their Second Amendment rights, I mean that they should vote out the Chicago politicians who would...

McDonald Speaks (2:09)


The New York Times Calls for Unarmed Insurrection

To say that the New York Times is pro-gun control is like saying that a 1911 enthusiast would be happy to get a Nighthawk Custom for Christmas. But today's editorial, The Court: Ignoring the Reality of...

Supreme Court McDonald Decision: Breyer’s Dissent

Aside from his objections to incorporation, Justice Stevens didn't challenge the idea that Americans have a right to keep arms for self-defense, he just didn't think that we had a particular right to keep...

Boston Globe: “Gun a Month” Bill Good, Not Great

Post McDonald, the chances for Massachusetts' recently revived "gun a month" bill are looking decidedly dodgy. You might even say that the legislation is Bay State gun control advocate's last hurrah.  Time will tell....

McDonald Decision: Brady Campaign’s Paul Helmke vs. NRA’s Wayne LaPierre

1 That's Paul Helmke of The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and Wayne LaPierre Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer of the National Rifle Association of America.

Download U.S. Supreme Court’s McDonald Decision Here

Click here to download the U.S. Supreme Court's Decision in the McDonald case striking down Chicago's handgun ban and incorporating the Second Amendment (i.e making it supersede state law). Here are the highlights .  . . "The right to...

“The Chicago crime buffet is over. We are not prey.”

Colleen Lawson is one of the plaintiffs in the Supreme Court McDonald case. Lawson joined the suit after burglars invaded her home. To which Mayor Daley replied, indirectly, today: "Common sense tells us we need fewer guns,...

Gun Owners of America Got it Right on Sotamayor; Can We Trust Kagan?

Check out this little ditty from the Gun Owners of America, before Supreme Court Judge Sonia Sotamayor was appointed to the highest court in the land.  It was written in May 2009. Obama's pick is Judge...

Washington Post: McDonald Decision Moves U.S. Towards Anarchy

I know I've already blogged the media blowback on the Supreme Court decision incorporating the Second Amendment (i.e. making it inviolable on the state level). But this one's a doozy. "Perhaps Chief Justice Roberts and other...

Josh Sugarmann of The Violence Policy Center on McDonald Decision: “People Will Die”

"People will die because of this decision.  It is a victory only for the gun lobby and America's fading firearms industry.  The inevitable tide of frivolous pro-gun litigation destined to follow will force cities,...