Here’s What’s Going to Happen In Chicago When the Supreme Court’s McDonald Decision Strikes...

Nothing. Initially, not a damn thing. The ban will be gone, but the Supremes will not strike down "reasonable" state requirements re: gun ownership. Outside of Chicago, in the rest of Illinois, an aspiring...

Dorchester District Court Judge Attempts to Close the Sarcasm Loophole Re: MA’s Gun-a-Month Club

To paraphrase Groucho Marx, I'm thinking of joining the Gun-a-Month Club and hitting you over the head with it. But seriously folks, former Dorchester District Court Judge James W. Dolan attempts to bludgeon Dorchester...

John Stossel’s “Come To Jesus” Moment on Gun Control

John Stossel's the former ABC reporter who jumped over to the quick brown Fox without skipping a beat. Actually, he skipped the crime beat. Stossel's making up for that now, championing America's move towards...

Aspiring CT GOP AG Threatens Armed Insurrection

0 The gun rights movement "proper" is putting its head over the political parapet. Open carry activists are coming out (into the open) and pols running for office are talking about the firepower that dare...

Youngstown Mayor Combats Gun Crime. Is There a Racial Element?

There's nothing like a little race politics to get the rhetorical blood flowing. But before I go there, here's the set-up. "In the aftermath of a weekend shooting that left a 17-year-old girl dead...

Now Tell Us How Many Shell Casings The NYPD Recovered

And how many of these "recovered" guns were used in a gun crime. And why we would should be impressed by 1147 recovered guns in a city with hundreds of thousands of guns. Both...

Michael Bloomberg: Microstamping Uber Alles Baby!

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg suffered a crushing defeat for his gun control political agenda last week. Upstate legislative support for a plan to microstamp bullet casings disappeared in the eleventh hour. Just...

PA Starbucks Robbed at Gunpoint

"A pair of masked men armed with a stun gun ambushed two Bryn Mawr Starbucks employees early Friday as they prepared to open the coffee shop for the day," reports. "The thieves wounded...

Another Response to Boston Globe “Gun-a-Month” Op Ed

I recently blogged an editorial by Yvonne Abraham in the Boston Globe re: the Bay State's plans to create a one-gun-per-month purchasing restriction. I recently circled back to read the comments underneath the ed. This...

NRA Faces Backlash for Campaign Ad Exemption

I really don't understand how a bill that forces corporate and union campaign ad buyers to reveal their funding is anti-free speech. America has had a campaign ad disclosure law for candidates for years:...

AK-47s in D.C. Tourist Spots? Really Paul? Really?


John N. Synder on Terrorists: “Americans Need to be Able to Defend Themselves With...

0 According to, the Washington Post and the New York Times dubbed John N. Synder “The Dean of gun lobbyists." Snyder is also a "gun law expert" and author of “Gun Saint,” a book about a Catholic...